BYU leaves the Mtn West

BYU goes independant.
I think this could be a really good thing. At least I hope so.
Springville Shooter
I do too, and I like the WCC lineup for basketball too. BYU vs Gonzaga will something to look forward to each year. GO COUGS.---------------SS
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It will be bad for their football if the Mtn West starts getiing a BCS bid in the next few years.
BYU (???) i didn't know they even had sports........ lol j/k

i'm not sure it's a great idea, look at notra dame- except back in the yrs they were great, being independent hasn't helped as much as it has hurt them.
look at it like this, to get a bcs bowl game ( which is the lamest system in sports) you either better be ranked in the top 4 because the rest of the spots are going to teams that win their conference, most of those are also ranked pretty high.

so byu will have no conference to win for an automatic bid to a bowl game- which i think mtn west will get pretty soon.

but we'll see
I think this will probably be a good thing for BYU and bad for the Mtn west. Now that BYU and Utah are gone I don't think they will be line to get a BCS bid for the conference anymore. Mtn west could have been awesome with Utah, BYU, TCU and Boise State.
I think now that Utah and BYU are gone, it will only be a matter of time before TCU takes off as well. Good luck Boise carring that conference now.
Not sure how long Boise will stick around either, the MTN is in trouble IMO. They better re-work their TV schedule/money etc. or they are going to have some un happy memebers. JMO.

As for BYU I think is a bold move, maybe a bit risky and nerve racking but I LIKE IT and think it will work and pan out. More exposure for sure, better coverage by ESPN, etc. More money also, BYU has an amazing HD facility ready to film all games. GO COUGS!! 10sign:

There is/are some down sides of course, but not sure they had much choice anymore and were tired of getting the raw end of the deal.
no more "The Mountain" network :thumb :) =D> ::wel :)) :thumb
I kind of agree with KillerB. If I'm a BYU fan, I'm not so sure I like this. I thought the MWC was poised to be the next BCS auto-qualifying conference even without Utah. Heck, even now, I think the MWC should be an AQ school over the Big East! I don't think this was a very smart move. They just virtually assured themselves not to make it to a BCS game as long as that system is in place. In order to even be in consideration, they are going to have to play a really beefed-up schedule, which, no offense to any BYU fans, I don't think they can handle. Just my two cents....that, and I don't know that I necessarily like teams that go "independent". It's almost like they think they're too good to be with anyone else. I know it's more of a money thing, but it comes off that way to me...
I'm stoked about it! Apparently, ESPN is to help BYU book it's schedule.(according to Deseret News) With that kind of leverage, it sure won't hurt to get some high profile teams to play us.
They've already lined up three years with texas, six years with notre dame, eight years with ESPN. The scoop is that they will make as much from one televised game with espn that they would have made from the mountian for the entire season. Espn will carry most of their games so from a money standpoint BYU scores bigtime. A big part of the change is for more national exposure. The mountain couldn't provide it. This move will. As far as the BCS goes, I don't think it will be too long into the future before a big conference comes knocking. BYU fills stadiums and make money, thats why ESPN was eager to affiliate, not to mention BYU's state of the art HD facilities. I think it's a great deal.
Springville Shooter
I think it's a great deal too, I look forward to playing a wide variety of teams each year. Might even have to upgrade my season tickets..........OH ya, and GO PITTSBURG!------SS