CA Bobcat (pic)
11/28/10 8:07am
After many years of trying, I finally managed to call a CA bobcat into bow range this week. After my second calling sequence, this big ol' feline came to within 21 yards before my arrow was on it's way. To say I was pumped would be an understatement. Of all the critters I've arrowed with a bow over the years, this is my first bobcat. Hope you enjoy. " alt="" />
My uncle in eastern Oregon talked to a fur buyer about bobcat pelts, and he told him that a top notch pelt could fetch upwards of a grand this year because of the european demand. Seems high to me, as the most I have ever seen for one was $4-500. I will believe it when the fur buyer cuts me the check!!!
PS, having been a warden, what do you think of the new show on Nat Geo about California wardens?
You know, I haven't seen an episode yet......I'll have to sit down and watch them (my son has them taped). I've only read a few comments on the show.....most were positive some were not. Expected that I guess.
I think your taxi did a great job!