cactus elk?????????????
7/8/07 4:15pm
so all of bretts pics got me thinking: i dont know if i've ever seen a pic or even heard of a cactus bull elk. givin the way it happens, it's got to be possible??? anybody have any input or even better a picture of one???
As you know, non-typical bulls are not necessarily cactus bulls (Abnormal growth verses testosterone imbalance).
I'm sure there are bulls out there that suffer the same afflictions as cactus bucks (Damaged testicals or internal testosterone imbalance) but I cannot find any. Common sense would lead me to believe that since antler growth between elk and deer is the same and that the triggers to grow antlers, harden antlers, shed velvet, and then shed antlers are the same with both species, then "cactus males" would/could occur in either species, wouldn't you agree?
Maybe that is why you don't see many elk that way. :-k
Never thought of that a_bow_nut!!!!!
:)) :tz :))
Man, that is an IMPRESSIVE cactus bull, my friend!
Wow crazy thanks for the pics, so do you think he still sheds the antlers?
thats awesome!