Calendar Help
6/14/09 10:18pm
I'm looking for anyone that might be interested in helping out with the new CALENDAR in the forums. Link is right next to Search link and Members link above or check it out here if you haven't seen it.
Basically here is my goal/plan. I'd like 1 person that is in charge of each state.
They would post application deadlines for there state, actually starting hunt date times for Archery, Muzzleloader, Rifle etc. And maybe hunt units (1st season, 2nd season, etc.)
Any other information that you would deem important for the general public.
ANYONE can view the calendar and posts, but only oneMODERATOR if you will could actually post/delete events to the calendar.
I'd like each STATE represented to have a specificCOLOR as to not confuse other states.
I'd like to start with the WESTERN states for now.
Any volunteers to do this for your state or RECOMMEND a reliable member of the board to do so?
For example I think Killerbee would be great for Oregon if he would like to do it?
Any thoughts?
New Mexico
Basically here is my goal/plan. I'd like 1 person that is in charge of each state.
They would post application deadlines for there state, actually starting hunt date times for Archery, Muzzleloader, Rifle etc. And maybe hunt units (1st season, 2nd season, etc.)
Any other information that you would deem important for the general public.
ANYONE can view the calendar and posts, but only one
I'd like each STATE represented to have a specific
I'd like to start with the WESTERN states for now.
Any volunteers to do this for your state or RECOMMEND a reliable member of the board to do so?
For example I think Killerbee would be great for Oregon if he would like to do it?
Any thoughts?
New Mexico
Also what other calendar EVENT TYPES need to be added?
WOW thanks for all your Help, you went ABOVE and beyond what I was asking...that must have been time consuming.
For you other guys it's sufficient to just put the OPENING and CLOSING dates on the calendar, you don't need/have to put it on every day like Hiker did.
Thanks again Jeff for the help. :thumb
a_bow_nut, either way your call.
WA must be one of the screwier states in the west. We have 8 million different units and none of them start on the same days, end on the same days, or have the same restrictions. Hence the blanket season coverages. I did post the specifics in the body of the links though...but it sure is time consuming!
Don't take this as a complaint Brett. It's an awesome tool and I am glad to help out....but if I was not complaining then I would lose my "Retired Chief Petty Officer Card."
I'm afraid posting each and every day will get way to confusing once we have all states up and get a really congested look/feel.
Just a thought that came to me just now. I noticed that when you click on the link for the guides it pulls up a map of the U.S. and Canada. You can then click on the state that you want to look at and it pulls up a list of guides.
Is there any way you could set the calender up this way? I have no idea how much work it would be to set up this way but it was just a thought.
I think that you're right on some of the key opening days of hunting it will get over loaded.