california bighorn sheep
9/15/07 11:10am
so another buddy of mine his boss drew a once in a lifetime california sheep tag. i was supossed to go help but it was in the middle of another hunt i was going on plus the guy who had the tag ended up being a real BUST when it came to hunting. he was all but going home and eating tag soup . when by buddy matt went down the last weekend and walked the guys butt off and they finally spotted a group of 5 rams and was able to kill this one. it scored 135. it makes me a little peeved when some one draws such a coveted tag and wants to drive the roads and kill one. it's small but it is 135" bigger than the one he was going to kill on his own.the guy one the left was the lucky tag holder.
The guy can't be all that bad though....he's wearing a Seahawks hat!
Let alone see one! Glad someone had the smarts to help him out.
That would be a AWESOME hunt! :thumb