Calling Elk

I bought another cow call today just becuase I wanted something to blame if things don't go well for me next week. Anyway on the back it read(call 10 to 15 times every tweenty or thirty minutes to drive the bulls nuts.) IMO this may drive them out of the area and draw in every prediter in hearing range. I was wondering what some of you think.
I have some Primos mouth reed calls and I can never get them to sound right. So I use a Hoochie Mama, but have never called in an elk with one. I guess they work best if elk are in the area. And deer won't come to them either lol
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i was always taught to let out a bugle see if i can get a response and cow call just enough to get the bull coming but not so much to where he finds me. everyone calls a bit different though and ive learned to use your own method and see what works. but if you call to much your gonna push things out
We don't call a lot but we do call some. The bugle is generally only used once or twice around sunrise to locate a bull. The we'll move as close as we dare and set up and do a little cow calling. If we get a response we'll talk a little, but not too much. If it's a hot bull he'll come looking. Make sure you're not standing in the open. Be at the edge of the trees or in some sort of cover.

My best advice is this; when you do call you better be ready. The bull my son shot was about 300 yards away when we called and within 60 seconds he was standing broadside at 20 yards! He came in that fast! Fortunately we were somewhat set-up, with the exception of the video camera. We didn't follow our own advice and it cost us 3 or 4 minutes of incredible footage and the 20 yard kill shot.

Derek had to draw back with that bull staring at him. I've never seen anyone pull that off. The bull looked away long enough for Derek to start his draw cycle, but the bull was literally staring at him when he came to full draw and launched the arrow. And I don't have any of it on tape!

Another piece of advice... as soon as you make the shot, BUGLE. And bugle LOUD. I've stopped bulls dead in their tracks after they've been shot.
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Mark - Great post!!! Good advice there from someone who knows.