Calling in Muleys

OK... With the rut fast approaching I want to hear some of your opinions on calling in muleys. Some say it is not that effective and some say it is. I even know guys that rattle and say it is the best thing ever. I personally do not use any calls but have noticed a considerable improvement in the amount of bucks I see while using doe estrus during the rut. What do you guys think.
I've never used scents, but I have tried a few different calls with no results.
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I tried it one year just for fun. I was in unit 30 above Grand Junction, Co. and it finally worked a few days before Thanksgiving. Long after the season was over. I had 2 come to the horns and a doe bleat. The first one ran to me immediately like I'd called my dog! The second came after about 20 minutes. Lots of does came in too.
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I have personally never had any success using scents, deer calls, or even rattlin antlers. Those Wasatch Front Muleys from my experience don't seem to react to any of them.