Calling Muley

Hello all. I am a new member to this list from Missouri. I have been Longbow hunting Muley/Elk in Colorado for about 5 years now. I have been having what I concider good luck. Havested one nice buck and missed on 2 others. With several other seen but out of range or no shots.

I am wondering if any of you use calls or any other tacktics to get them in close. Where I hunt we use blinds most of the time therefore am looking to attact them. Most everything I see is stalking.

What kind of calls do you use?
Where do you get them etc?
Do they sound like whitetail calls?

Thanks Kerwin
Kerwin, Welcome to MuleyMadness! Glad to have ya aboard.

As for callin' Mulies, I've never done it. Our Mulie season (general firearm) here in Washington is not during the rut and most all my Mulie hunts are spot-and-stalk. However, one of the calls I use for my Whitetail hunts in Idaho is adjustable and has a "band" for Mulies. I can't tell the difference at all, but then again I ain't a Mulie buck..LOL
never used calls but i wanted to say welcome
Thanks for the reply.

I have done some research but have never found anything about calling Mule Deer. I assume that they are very simular to Whitetail.

The place we hunt is not very big and enough people that if you start spot-n-stalk you will mostlikely run up on the other people. Therefore we all agree to stay in our zone. It works real well. We are hunting Elk and Mule Deer. Over the past 5 years (with 6 hunters) we average about 1 Mule Deer and 1 Elk a year. One year we had 2 elk and 1 mule deer.

Just looking for something to increase my odds.

Calling in Mule Deer is not as easy as Whitetail or as effective. It can be done, but is honestly rarely used effectively by most people.

Welcome to the site, send me your "avatar" pic under your name and I can fix it and make it easier to view for you.

bowhunter 616
welcome to the forum kerwin :)
Brett When you say
"send me your "avatar" pic under your name and I can fix it and make it easier to view for you. "
What do you mean by "under your name"? Let me know and I will do it. do you mean add it as an attachemnt to the post?
Also what trick do you do to the pic. I might decide to change the pic and would not want to bother you.
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calling muleys is a little tricky,But I have used the k'meer deer call effectively on does to bring em back if lightly spooked but didn't smell me, I even had a nice little 4x4 come back to me once just couldn't get a shot. As far as hunting from a blind if you can pattern the deer you are after and get the blind along the corridoor before season so they get used to it you should have no problem being successful.Hope this helps.

You can attach the big image in the post or email it to me, it's a little tricky to explain how to fix it. But simply put it needs to be resized to exactly 100x100 pixels and cropped properly to show the focus of the image.

Anyway, you can leave it as is if you like. Just can't tell what where looking at. :)

Yes the one right below your username of the left there, those small images are called "avatars" in computer terms.
Here you go. Let me know if you need for me to do something to get this into the avatrs.

Some day I will have to tell the story about this one. It involves being sick and Bears (Sow and two cubs).
Great lookin' buck Kerwin! I would love to hear the story.

If ya don't mind me askin', whereabouts in MO are ya from? I have a sister that lives in Hawks Point.
bowhunter 616
good looking buck =D> =D>
AGCHAWK - I am from the Columbia area.

The story (condensed),

The land I hunt in Colorado is private (boarded by Public). The land owner has a lot of sheep. They do not seem to bother the elk and deer, in fact they use them as danger detectors. If you scare the sheep, the elk and deer leave also (seen it). But he has a bear and lion problem killing sheep. All of the dead sheep are dumped over the side of a step hillside at the head of a canyon. Also at the head of this canyon is a water hole. When you walk in or out in the dark you can hear the bears. Some co-hunters won’t go in, kind of spooky.

I was sick and decided that I can hang in a tree sick as well as stay in camp sick. About 8:00AM I had two nice bucks come in. I decided the first one to give me the shot would be it. I was not in any shape to wait them out. As you can see from the picture I got him (about 12 yard shot). FYI the other buck was slightly bigger, no regrets.

This is getting long… FAST Forward… about 4 hours

We (got help to carry out, deep canyon) were blood trailing and looked up to see a Sow Bear with 2 cubs run away from the dead deer. They had eaten most of the hind quarters had him field dressed for the most part. Minor damage to the antlers also. And the “proof of sex” was gone (that made for some good jokes) :)) . I hoped I would not get stopped on the way home.
LOL....thanks Kerwin.Thanks for sharing!
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like most of who replied , calling mule deer in is tricky and not used real often . if you are bow hunting , during the month of september , you stand a better chance at calling in the elk instead . in colorado there is no hunting mule deer during the rut so calls are not really used . there is one positive thing about what you are doing and that is hunting the same area year after year . if you are using a blind , you might try patterning your deer in the area so that you can better place the blind , be it a ground blind or tree stand . hope this helps .
Thanks for the pics and story!

I fixed the "avatar", now you can see it better. You like?
Thanks for fixing the avatar. Looks good.

I have another question. I watched a video last night about Mule Deer hunting. They kept talking about 32 inch 36 inch etc. Are they talking about the inside spread, or outside spread? Also where are they measuring?
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they are measuring the widest point of the rack . a rough way to get a field measure is to look at the ears of the deer and see if the rack is outside of the ears . on a nice buck you can figure about 8" per ear and about 8" inbetween the ears giving you 24" . we tested this on a couple of bucks my brother shot and its pretty close . all racks were outside of the ears and they ended up measuring 26" , 28" , and 30" on three different deer . hope this helps you out on a quick field measure .
Thanks zatarain6

I assumed that was what they were doing but you know what they say about assuming!

I like the 8-8-8 rule. I have heard something like that, but you said it very good. I will use it when I get out to Colorado.

What would people concider a small, average, big, and monster buck?