Camera card stolen

My buddy had his memory card stolen out of his camera. The internal memory was able to capture this guy. Since there was only one set of human tracks this is probably the guy. Does anybody know this guy?
What a big time jerk! :>/
What an idiot, don't recognize him though.
Sorry to hear about your memory's a shame we have to experience that this day and age isn't it?.

Just some professional advice, you should be careful about how you word your post, as it may or may not be the guy who actually took it. If it turns out this particular person did not break the law, you open yourself up to civil litigation.

I would let the proper authorities give you direction on what course of action can and should be taken. Believe it or not, some districts within forest lands and BLM property deem treestands and cameras left for more than 72 hours as abandoned property and subject to confiscation and/or salvageable property. I found this out the hard way when I had a camera taken that was left for a week. I had no idea about that particular law in my forest district......and I've enforced laws for over 20 years in my area. Contact the BLM Strip District and find out if there's anything they can do. Good luck and hope you get your memory card back.
6x6 bull
Tough angle, but it might be George Bush.
That makes you mad. Lucky he didnt take your camera. Start asking around you will find out who he is.
Where abouts are you? Good chance he may have a cam set up in that same area.

"Believe it or not, some districts within forest lands and BLM property deem treestands and cameras left for more than 72 hours as abandoned property and subject to confiscation and/or salvageable property."

Thats interesting.
"BOHNTR" wrote:Sorry to hear about your memory's a shame we have to experience that this day and age isn't it?.

Just some professional advice, you should be careful about how you word your post, as it may or may not be the guy who actually took it. If it turns out this particular person did not break the law, you open yourself up to civil litigation.

I would let the proper authorities give you direction on what course of action can and should be taken. Believe it or not, some districts within forest lands and BLM property deem treestands and cameras left for more than 72 hours as abandoned property and subject to confiscation and/or salvageable property. I found this out the hard way when I had a camera taken that was left for a week. I had no idea about that particular law in my forest district......and I've enforced laws for over 20 years in my area. Contact the BLM Strip District and find out if there's anything they can do. Good luck and hope you get your memory card back.

No hard feelings, but if anybody ever tried to sue me for something i said on a forum on the net, they'd have a harder fight than they could ever dream about. I have lived with law officer my whole life what i said was perfectly legal. i don't like bringing up other sites, on others sites, but go to and see what they have to say about this guy. Make sure you read what Ryan Hatch wrote.

Brett sorry for putting that link here i just wanted these guys to see this, you can remove it if you want.

i cant believe the guy got on the other site and admitted to it and didnt think what he did was wrong. what an idiot! :>/
No hard feelings, but if anybody ever tried to sue me for something i said on a forum on the net, they'd have a harder fight than they could ever dream about. I have lived with law officer my whole life what i said was perfectly legal
No hard feelings here....just giving some friendly advice to another hard core mule deer fanatic. :thumb However, you are wrong about defamation and posting someone's photo on the internet accusing them of being the culprit before any law agency has investigated the crime. The evidence listed may in fact be solid, however, it may not be prosecutable depending on the district attorney's office and how they interpret the law regarding property left on public ground and abandonment. Doesn't make it right, I can only tell you what happen to me when mine was stolen.

Having said that, if a person can show the information distributed about him was incorrect and unjust, the poster can be held liable for any damages as a result of the information. Don't go by my word or your roommates.....simply contact a civil attorney and ask. They'll be able to cite a pile of case decisions supporting it.

If this fellow did indeed take the memory card.....simply put, he's wrong. But remember, EVERY person has a right to their day in court before being accused on the internet......if anyone can understand that, it would be Ryan.
Spread pics of the worthless POS on all the sites,a small amount of payback for all the idiots who thieve,i hope he gets his. 10sign:
im guessing the topic on monstermuleys got nuked being when i click on it it says it no longer exists. Can you tell me what was said? I hope you can prove if he was the one who took it or some other scum.
It's not a roommate at all, but my father. I'm not some punk kid that doesn't know what I'm talking about. I have a wife and kid and am very respected with everybody i deal with. If you read the first post i wrote it says The internal memory was able to capture this guy. Since there was only one set of human tracks this is probably the guy. NOTICE the word PROBABLY. I am pretty sure i can't get in any legal trouble for that. I have paid for many attorney fee's through business affairs i don't think this guy wants to spend $125 + an hour for an attorney to discuss it with a litigator. It's all good i just hope if he really did do it he gets in trouble for it. Karma is a bugger
You did exactly what most anyone would have done,dont let the PC police run you down.This is probably one of the SOBs stealing trail cams in your neighborhood,now everyone knows what hes up to and Ill bet hell watch his back in the woods now.

Sorry I gave the obviously took it the wrong way. I sure hope Tory gets his card back and the issue gets resolved. Hope you have a great season.


If anyone needs PC police it would be you buddy! lol
This has really turned out to a much bigger deal than it should be IMO. Were talking a small dollar item here, I wouldn't be as much concerned about my card as to what photos I had on it. :)

The guy was obviously wrong for even opening the camera IMO. And didn't seem to care or feel he did anything wrong, which I disagree with. Hopefully some trail cam etiquette can be learned for future reference.

But there is more important things than this, I'd be mad but it's not the end of the world. :)

Nonya relax bud. :))
Too bad about the card. I worry about mine in the desert because there's no real way to secure them with lock and chain so if someone finds them they'd be too easy to pick up and walk a way with. I camo the heck out of them with a gilly suit cover and natural veg and hope they don't get spotted. I'm in a fairly low pressure area which helps but I know its risky to throw $400 in cameras plush memory cards out there unsecured.
Yep just another thief stealing from hunters,no biggy,hes lucky it wasnt my cam.
Hey NONYA, where did you get that cool action avatar? I've never seen one like that. You can PM me if you'd rather. VERY cool.
Made it on photoshop,it takes forever but its pretty easy.I made a few others..." alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />
I could make you one if I get some time,just send me 2 images.
NONYA" alt="" />
Sorry if i took it the wrong way. I hope you have a great season as well, kill a big one in Arizona.
"NONYA" wrote:I could make you one if I get some time,just send me 2 images.
i never noticed the buck in the back, that is cool!
NONYA" alt="" />
6x6 bull
I would like to apologize to anyone that I may have offended with my humor.Sometimes it is funnier in my head than it in the post. I feel that this person takes a lot of heat on other posts unjustly. That being said this will be my last post. It was great getting to know all of you and good luck this season and in the future, God Bless.
6x6 no reason to run off your welcome here and no worries i wasnt offended at all :) I see nothing wrong with your post. So stick around.
I would like to apologize to anyone that I may have offended with my humor.Sometimes it is funnier in my head than it in the post. I feel that this person takes a lot of heat on other posts unjustly. That being said this will be my last post. It was great getting to know all of you and good luck this season and in the future, God Bless.
I actually thought your post was FUNNY and I'm glad somebody had a laugh instead of all the other hashing.

Who are you referring to when you mean this "person"??

Stick around brother, I like having you aboard.
H e ll yhe stick around,gotta have some thicker skin in this crowd,things type in a post often seem more negative than they were ment to. #-o
Maybe someone PM'd him about the Pres. Bush comment. I'm a Bush supporter and I didn't find it offensive. Whenever something goes wrong in my life, I just blame it on Bush. Seems like he's getting credit for all that is going wrong with our country anyway.
6X6 no nead to run. Stick around. I think we have all ticked some one off on one of these forums at one time or another. What ever happeded with "this person" let it go. Who cares what they think.
6x6 bull
I quess I will grow a little thicker skin. I will also try to remember what my wife tells me all the time. Just because you crack yourself up doesn't mean that it is funny. Thanks for the comments guys, and even if I didn't post again, I would still lurk around to find out how hiker does in KS and how big a buck Roy gets on the Strip and If Ox gets his moose, and how can somebody be as lucky as Deadi and get an Expo tag.
Stick around, [-o< [-o< :thumb
lol Now I just need that luck to continue into the hunt, and allow me to smack a good one. [-o< [-o< [-o<
Sorry guys, but I was very intrigued in seeing how this story panned out, but I got lost in the sideshow, just kidding. So, what was posted on the other forum (as it has now been deleted)? I will agree with what many have posted and disagree with what many others have posted; I think downloading the pics from my camera is fine; I most likely know all of the guys on the mountain anyways. If a camera/card were to come up missing; it would likely be the only guys who no one else knows as many of us have hunted the same area for years.
Hang in there 6x6 bull. It's good to have you on MuleyMadness. :thumb Lord willing, [-o< [-o< a good Kansas buck will be in Hiker's freezer come December. I'll keep you posted when Chris and I get back.