Camera input.. please

Well it's Finally my time to make the big purchase and buy a nice camera....!!!! ****banana ****banana

looking at the Canon Digital Rebel XTi 10.1MP Digital SLR Camera with EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 Lens (Black) and also the EF 55-200mm lens..

Anyone have this Camera or any imput on it... please share!!! thanks.

my main reason for this Camera is action shots (have boys in Baseball! need a camera that will take a picture of what I am looking at... not a delay so you never know what your going to capture! LOL) lol and also would love to start taking some wildlife pictures (that u don't have to point at the little brown dots and say.. those are Elk!) :))
Planning on making this purchase in the next week or two, so we can have it for the Baseball tournament in Arizona the first week in March.
I have never owned a Cannon, I'm a Nikon guy. However, the vast majority of professionals use either one or the other of those two brands. I have the Nikon D70 and have been thinking of upgrading to the D80 in the near future. I don't think you could really go wrong with either brand, and you'll love it! I take hundreds more photos now than I ever did when I used my old SLR film cameras.

I have the Canon XT, model just before yours. I love mine. As stated NIKON makes an excellent camera also.

I'd suggest a 300mm zoom lens or greater for wildlife. You'll need all the zoom you can get.

Best of luck. Have you checked out
Dont be afraid to look at others though.I have a Pentax K-10d and love it!
lifetime hunter
Thanks for the input guys.. we are going out tonight to compare makes and models, heard some great review on the Nikon D40 so going to go look at those also... decisions ... decisions :-k :-k :-k
lifetime hunter
Think we made our choice!!! thanks so much for everyone's input it helped alot!!
we found a great deal at Costco (that ends on Saturday.)">
$649.99 After $100 Off
Nikon D40 6.1MP 2.5"
18-55mm, 55-200mm VR Zoom With Image Stabilization
VR Assures Dramatically Sharper Images, Bonus 2G SD Card
2.5 f/s & Advanced 3-Area AF

think this will be a great investment and hope to be getting a lot of great pictures!
I think you'll like it for sure! :thumb
The VR series of Nikon lenses are an outstanding advancement in lens technology. I want the one that goes to 400 mm very badly, but haven't pulled the trigger yet since they are about $1,400....

lifetime hunter
well I got it today!! a nikon d40 with the 18-55mm, 55-200mm VR Zoom With Image Stabilization lenses.. so off to a good start.. just need it to stay lighter longer so I can practice, practice and practice!!