Camera Question

I know nothing about cameras. But seeing all of these great pictures has me wanting a better camera to take pictures with. I would like a nice digital camera so that I can save the pictures right to a chip. Don't want to have to mess with film. What would you guys recomend? looking in the four to five hundred dollar range.

Thanks a_bow_nut
Well I'm not an expert with cameras, but I do know a few things. Since you have limited knowledge of digital cameras I would focus your search on point & shoot camera and not SLR's, because you will most likely be using the automatic settings and not the manual settings. However, you can buy different lenses for SLR cameras and it gives you a lot of options. Most point & shoot cameras don't have a very high optical zoom. This will be a problem if your trying to take pictures of small objects at great distances.(A deer at 500 yards) In the price range you have listed you can get a really nice point & shoot camera, but you would be hard pressed to even get a decent SLR camera body. I would recommend reading reviews on different cameras and getting familiar with the different options before you buy one. I would also go into your local electronic stores and tell the salesman what you are going to use the camera for and see what they recommend. However, before you buy anything check out this link. I have bought many items from this website from parts to build my last computer to cordless phones and digital cameras. Their prices are hard to beat and their service is amazing. I have been told the Canon A640 is a great camera for the money and it sounds like it would be a great camera to get you started, so I would check it out.
They main purpose of this camera is for up close pictures. (The trip to disney land that we leave for on Wednesday and of course all of the animals that I'l get over the years.) :-$ That type of stuff. Iv'e got a camcorder that has a good zoom for looking at the far off stuff.

TORCH Thanks for your advice. It really helped me find what I was looking for.

I bought a HP Photosmart R927. It's a 8.2 MP and has more options than I can even phathom right now. (will be spending lots time reading the instructions) I couldn't belive the price of these camers. I hadn't looked at them for quite some time and was surprised to see how reasonably priced they are. Best Buy had this model on sale for $250 and it's twice the camera that I thought that I could afford. I looked at the SLR cameras while I was there but they way out of my league for both money and knowldge.

Here is a picture that I just took out behind work." alt="" />

Thanks again.

I meant to 'chime in' and reply to your question. Sounds like you found what wanted though. Good job, now you need to produce the pics. :)
Just curious - what camcorder do you have?

I'm looking for a very good quality camcorder or video camera or whatever for a good reasonable price.

anyone know of any?

I've heard a lot about the, i believe, its called the G2 or something? not sure who makes it or anything. anyone have any opinion on this?
If your talking about the Canon GL2 it's going to set you back a couple of grand. What do you consider a reasonable price?