Camera Question
10/6/06 1:16am
I know nothing about cameras. But seeing all of these great pictures has me wanting a better camera to take pictures with. I would like a nice digital camera so that I can save the pictures right to a chip. Don't want to have to mess with film. What would you guys recomend? looking in the four to five hundred dollar range.
Thanks a_bow_nut
Thanks a_bow_nut
TORCH Thanks for your advice. It really helped me find what I was looking for.
I bought a HP Photosmart R927. It's a 8.2 MP and has more options than I can even phathom right now. (will be spending lots time reading the instructions) I couldn't belive the price of these camers. I hadn't looked at them for quite some time and was surprised to see how reasonably priced they are. Best Buy had this model on sale for $250 and it's twice the camera that I thought that I could afford. I looked at the SLR cameras while I was there but they way out of my league for both money and knowldge.
Here is a picture that I just took out behind work.
Thanks again.
I meant to 'chime in' and reply to your question. Sounds like you found what wanted though. Good job, now you need to produce the pics. :)
I'm looking for a very good quality camcorder or video camera or whatever for a good reasonable price.
anyone know of any?
I've heard a lot about the, i believe, its called the G2 or something? not sure who makes it or anything. anyone have any opinion on this?