Cannon or Nikon

I am shoping around for a Digital SLR. Just wondering what the majority prefer out there. Canon, Nikon, Pentax or Sony.
I'd go with a Canon or Nikon. Don't think you can make a bad choice with either one.

I use the Canon Digital Rebel XT myself and am very happy with it.
I shoot the Canon 30D. I'm sure that nikon is just as good. If your going to shoot wildlife, you need to buy a camera with a conversion factor. The 30D has a 1.6 conversion, this makes my 100-400mm lens a 160-640mm with out any drop in resolution. I don't like shooting with a converter but I have both the 1.4, 2x converters and they do come in handy. This makes the 100-400mm lens a 320-1280mm lens, with the 2x. This fox photo was taken with the 30D at 992mm 1/125sec f11, 400iso thats with the 2x converter. There is another important factor about the 30d, there is virtually no difference in the digital distortion between 100iso-400iso. I only shoot at 400iso, this means: 1. cheaper lens and 2. faster shooting in low light conditions. If you would like any other information, I'd be happy to help. Just drop me an email at:

Hope this helps...

Harlan Cooper
Cooper's Rugged Design
tel: (801) 721-0115
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You won't go wrong with Nikon or Cannon either. Probally Pentax, Sigma and other's would be just as well. I use Nikon because I alway's have and my old film lenses work on my D 70. Like my 70-300 and especially my 150-500 lense's for wildlife and animals. The picture of the dog was taken with a film camera, Nikon FG, and scanned into my computer.
Pete on Huns - Nikon FG with 28-200 lense
Pete on Huns - Nikon FG with 28-200 lense
Digital D 70 Nikon w/70-300 lense
Digital D 70 Nikon w/70-300 lense
Take a look at the Pentax K-10 that is the camera I just bought and for what the camera has and is, I think price for price this is a Superior camera to the others( in this price range)I would definately look at it as well.

This was taken with a inexpensive 70-300
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Nice photo! What lense was it?
It is just a cheap Quanteray.I think it ran me around $200.00
great pics guys!
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"Cvrn" wrote:It is just a cheap Quanteray.I think it ran me around $200.00
That my friend is supposed to be a Sigma. Good lenses! My understanding is that Sigma, makes all all the Quanteray lenses.
nice pics nice and clear.