Canon XTI question......
3/24/07 12:18pm
I just got one and I also purchased a 75-300 mm telephoto as well. I want to get up close and personal so what would you recomend for making the shot really clean and clear. I think the 300mm is too small for the type of photographs I'm looking to end up with. I really want to zoom in from 400 yards or so and I don't want to compromise with poor quality photos because I cropped them down too much so that they are grainy...
Thanks for the input
Thanks for the input
The closer you can get (safely) will always be the better.
Take as many pics as you can, a couple days ago I went and shot Goats and after about 170 shots I only kept about 50 real good ones.
Tke pics of everything and use different settings to see what works best in certain conditions.
Good luck and post some pics on the site!
Great camera and probably a great lens, not sure the exact lens you have but I shoot with the 70-300 IS lens so very similar.
But to be honest about this line... You can pretty much forget about getting quality shots from that distance, not only with this lens but with ANY lens. That is simply to far, way to far IMO. You have to get a lot closer.
Never tried digiscoping myself, but you may want to look into that for long distance pics.
Always shoot with Image Stabiliaztion ON and the whole key is LIGHTING and getting close to the animals.