
alright lets here what you all do for a living and what classes or courses are required to get into that career field. i was just thinkin today i really dont wanna know what i wanna do when i get out of high school. i got intrested in what Hawk was talkin about when he worked for the forest service and did the elk study.
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I am currently active duty Air Force, working at the USAF Academy as a Network Administrator, but my actual title is Active Directory Configuration Management Technician. My AFSC is 3C071 if Communications-Computer Systems Operator. To get my job, obviously i had to go to BMT and complete technical training, although my first tech school was for Systems Analysis, i retrained in 2003 into my current career field.
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1st go to college and get a degree, it will make a big diffrence in your pay over the years.
You may want to spend some time checking out the pay scale of outdoor jobs and jobs in Industry.

I do not advise doing things the way I did. 4 years Air Force, 5 years as a installer for a sign Company. 11 years as a plumber and the last 16 in a oil refinery. I'm currently a Shift Supperviser.

Have a degree in PE, Health, and 1 class away from Special Ed. which I may never finish. Been teaching for 6 years.

But doubt I'll put in a full 30! :)
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Well never went to college but what I know now you couldn't get in the school where I went. I am a mechanic,truck driver, welder well if it's broke I can usually fix it. Right now i'm in public works and really like my job gives me a lot of time off.
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I'm a staff photographer for Playboy magazine, no, wait, that's my dream job. Actually I work on an assembly line, building high dollar RV's.
bigbuck92, it's never too early...or too late for that start lookin' at this and planning for the future.

As I stated before, I worked for the US Forest Service as a trail crew member before joining the service (No degree necessary for either of those two jobs). While in the service I earned my journeyman certifications in Meteorology and Oceanography. I am currently working on my BS in Natural Resource Management with a minor in Fish and Wildlife Management through Oregon State University. The best part, as an active duty member every class I take is FREE!

As for what I'll do when I retire in two years.....not sure yet. To be honest, I want a job that will not interfere with my hunting and fishing plans! I don't need a second career, just something to suppliment my retirement pay.
im gettin a few ideas out of these so far. keep them comin
Im a Draftsman for probably the largetst Architect (as far as what we produce) here in Utah County.

I did the Associates in drafting from UVSC. And am currently working on maybe getting my own Architectural liscense.
anybody else wanna tell me what they do for a living
I'm waiting till i finish a little project then i'll post a reply with some pics
I startes off in The US yacht club (3 years), then moved on to building houses(15 years) and just got hired as a superintendent for a pretty big home builder, I don't think school is necessary for the jobs I have had, but I would rather go to school than have those jobs again.
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Right now I'm a student at Boise State University. I don't know what to tell you about a career, because I don't even now what I want to do. But I can say college is a blast! You meet a bunch of interesting people and have the opportunity to be exposed to all kinds of different ideas and way's of thinking. Even if you don't like high school don't write college off right away. Give it a chance.
The Ox
im a mason and you have to go through6 years of schooling and 4 years on the job before you are a mason jk lol youve just gotta be patient and learn
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I am currently working at a bank as the customer service manager. It is a great job and requires any bachelor's degree but the bank prefers a business degree background. The nice thing is I get between 3-4 weeks off during the year and as long as I take the wife on vacation for at least one of those I can use the rest for hunting season. Just make sure that you choose a job because you love it and then do your best and it will all work out.
I got drafted into the Army shortly after high school, put in 2 yrs active duty.
Maybe should have stayed, had an opportunity to go to West Point. In 1970 the US Army was not the place to be.

Anyway went to work for a building contractor [homes] worked my way up to project supervisor, then started my own business in 1980. Things went well as a building contractor and I retired at the age of 50.

Now I keep very busy with a cattle ranch and hobby sawmill.

For a hard working young guy, there are opportunities in construction without a college degree.

There is nothing like being self employed as far as taking time to hunt, and do things you enjoy.
I've been in the law enforcement business for over 20 years after a brief "career" in minor league baseball.

I began my law enforcement career as a fish & game warden. However, after I realized I wasn't going to be able to take vacation during hunting season (busiest time of year for a warden), I lateralled to a major law enforcement agency in southern California (over 4000 sworn). I've been there for 19 years. I am currently a Lieutenant in charge of a full-time 32 man SWAT Team located in the center of our county. I've been a member of our SWAT unit since 1991 and have held all ranks on the team up to my current rank.

My career in CA law enforcement is superb. The retirement system is second to none....either private sector or professional. I can retire at age 50 and earn 3% for each year of service (90% max). Example: I began at 20 years old (academy). When I turn 50 I will have 30 years on. That's 90% of my earnings (3x30). Add my 9% buy back (afforded to management) and I will retire at 99% of my highest years earnings!

Of course it doesn't come without sacrifice. Look where I have to live (so Cal) and the type of people I deal with continuously. But when I'm 50....look out Wyoming!
im liking all these careers of your and keep gettin more ideas. but i would still like to here more
Killerbee did you get that project finished?
tomorrow, it's real close.

lol killerbee did ya ever get it yet
i swear i just asked my wife, were the camera was, i will try to and find it at get a couple pics on here in just a bit " OR MAY I NOT DRAW A TAG THIS WHOLE YEAR" [ the man who enters this pact reserves the right to breach contract if he can not find his camera, or any other believable reason for not doing his contractual duties] :)) :)) I will go try and find it know!
lol alright
o.k here we go be fore i write alot let me try posting this
ok so here is a couple pics i've been doing my tyle countertops for this last week after work, the lighted cabinet you have to excuse, one of the lights came burnt out so the lights look lop- sided! Any way heres what i do---- i wont say i'm a full real estate invester, but i've done a bit of it i mainly work in construction, which you need no schooling to do! but you do need some ambition to make it worth your while! i started off building my own house, on top of everyday work, i lived there for two yrs { you get past capitol gains taxes that way} and sold it, did pretty well on it. i made about 6 yrs of my every day wages on it! lots of work involved! after that i found a good investment property and bought it, then i sold it 1 month later and over doubled my investment on it! this house you see here i bought and remodled { IT WAS A DUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!} and it is almost done. just this last monday me and my wife closed on another piece of property and i plan on starting on building that house just after bow season!--- so my point is it takes nothing to do construction work, there are some complete idiots out there that do it every day! but if you set your mind to it and make good relations with other sub contractor's it can be real favorable for you.-------------------- but i do think it's the same with every career, you can make it through the week and you'll stay where your at or you can work hard at what your doing and make it work for you! I know alot of people were the cool kids in school cause they partied the hardest, now days they are still the ones who party the hardest and they have nothing in life! If your not happy in what your doing for work find a career that does interest you, then be the best in the buisness!
lol k thanks
Those look SUPER! :thumb
Great lookin' work Killerbee...but I want to say THANKS!

I made the mistake of letting my wife see the pics. Now all I am hearing is "Why can't YOU do that?" and "I want a kitchen like that!".

TO be honest, I'd chop a finger off or something!
ah no its easy, just take your time and its just a simple puzzle your putting together, and as far as cutting you finger off, with a regular wet tile saw you can touch or rub you finger against the blade while its turned on and it does not cut it, course if you got it caught between the blade and tile then it would hurt but it dont really have teeth just a diamond edge. but anyone can do it you just go real slow on your first one and it will look good!
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When I was in high school an Air Force recruiter came to my school and spoke to my class. I liked what I heard and 6 years later I'm stationed in Alaska serving my country. The military has some good benefits (especially education). I'll do my 20 years and get a retirement check when I'm 38.
I am the Firm Administrator of a law firm. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration, and returned to school some years later to become a paralegal. After a couple of years as a paralegal, began doing some firm management and eventually managed the firm. Have managed about four different firms over the years. I'm interviewing next week with possibly a new firm. They require every position in the firm to have a minimum of a Bachelors Degree, even the receptionist!
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I do pre cast tile and moldings exterior design on housing you can check it out at
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I have a bachelors degree in rangeland management from Oregon State University. Currently working as a Wildlife Technician for the Bureau of Land Management.
I work for Idaho Power Co. based in Boise. My dad has worked there for 30 years and I plan on retiring from there myself. I am a little less than a year away from earning two Bachelors in Business Management and Marketing. I plan on using the Marketing degree somewhere within Idaho Power and eventually working my way up through management.

I attended Boise State for two years and then transfered to the University of Phoenix. That is where I am finishing up my degrees. The Univseristy of Phoenix is a great place earn your edgree while working full time! I love it.

So go to college and get a degree! It's just about the only way to go!

If I had it my way I would hunt for a living, but I haven't figured out a way to do that....yet! In the mean time I'll work to hunt!