Cedar Hollow
10/15/06 10:42am
Anyone ever hunt this area just out of Kamas? I've been scouting around Strawberry, Current creek and Red creek and haven't been real impressed with what I've seen so far. The country is beutiful and looks like there should be deer all over but I havent seen any good bucks or alot of deer for that matter. I'm not real familiar with the NE region. The topography of the land isn't what I'm used to hunting (I'm used to hunting scrub oak and cedars with patchy quakies) maybe I'm looking in hte wrong area. I have some freinds coming from out of state to hunt and would like for them to at least have a chance at some nice bucks. Anyay if anyone knows about Cedar Hollow, or any other area for that matter and wouldn't mind helping out I would really appreciate it.
Hope you stick around and enjoy the site. Not much help with that region either as I've always hunted the southern region.
There are a few folks on here from up that direction, not sure whether they are kind enough to help you out a bit. :)
, the local biologist said this after the 2005 season in the Kamas area. So there has to be some bucks in there somewhere.
Those are pretty decent numbers, hight than the state average for sure.
Wish I could help ya with your request but I have never hunted that region. I'll echo what was already stated, I am sure there are folks on here that can help ya out (A lot of them are in the field right now...tis the season. I just got back myself).
Good luck!
Did see a couple great bulls though, including a 5X6 that stood broadside for us at 150 yards for about 5 minutes. All and all it's been a great hunt thus far so no regrets at all.
We're heading back out tomorrow (Came home for the night to enjoy a home-cooked meal and a warm bed). I'll keep ya all posted and will post some pics of the country we're hunting next time I'm online.