Chama River unit New Mexico

I put in for this unit because I have family that owns land out there. I was wondering if anyone is familiar with the area knows what I can expect as far as nice bucks? Also I can't seem to find odds on drawing as a non-res in New Mexico.

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Hey early morning, check out speaking from experience they can put you on some good bucks. Also give them a call and ask for Bryan he's a drawing stats guru, and a great guy to boot. Tell him Josh sent ya!
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Chama is an awesome place to hunt deer and elk. the only deer hunts in this unit are on private land so the pressure is generally lower. where is the property? The absolute largest mule deer ive ever seen was in unit 4.. wish i would of had my camera... get in touch with me if you still need some help.
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Check out the New Mexico Game and Fish web site at: They have a .pdf file that has the '05-'06 draw odds. The numbers are hard to figure out, but it appears that unit 4 public land darw odds are a long shot and pravite land tags are a lock.

non-youth hunt public land had 40 tags, 8 where given to out-of-staters.
There where 902 applicates.

There where 350 private land tags available with only 226 awarded. 95 of these where out-of-staters.

Good luck!! (and yes there are some great bucks in unit 4)[/url]