changing photo file size

how do it? need to resize photos for posting
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Sites like photobucket can do it. If you're on a mac you can just do it by opening the files, go to tools, adjust image size, select the size, then click save all.
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so without a mac I cannt resize without using a outside program? Thanks im just computer stupid.
thers a way to do it through your windows paint( i believe) AGCHAWK has posted how to do it through that program. try a search and you'll probably find it.

on the other hand, i use picresize .com. it is really easy, just go to the site and it will completly walk you through it, once it's done it saves on YOUR computer, it ddoesn't stay on their website as a hosting site.

and no worrys, there are A TON of computer stupid people on hunting sites! we've grew up hunting, not being part of the geek squad, but the few cross over guys sure come in handy when we need them lol
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If you want to email them to me at I can resize them and send them back over your way!
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Guess Ill try and resize and post up some pictures if I cannt do it Ill get you to help me zach
Right click the pic you want to work with, select "Open with", choose MS Paint. From the menue at the top, select Image, then Strectch/skew. Then change both of the numbers in the Stretch windows to, say 25 and see how big the pics are. Sometimews it's better to start over again than resize the picture twice. Then clice from the File menue at the top, Save As, or Save if you want to make it permenent, and name it.
This is by far the easiest way to resize picture on a windows program.
Right click on the photo, pick the resize picture option and then choose the size you want and your done.
I use Microsoft Office Picture Manager. Right click on the image file & open with the Picture Manager. In the top menu bar select "Edit Pictures," then in the right sidebar select "Resize." It's that easy, plus I can save the resized version under a different file name and keep the full size file for myself.