chat room
9/25/06 2:35pm
is there a chat room on this site? if not, is there a way to get one up and running? would be nice to talk to a few of you
keep up the good work
(I just say this cause I know Brett'll go breakin every bone in his body tryin to do everything we suggest just cause he's that kinda guy. So brett, dont stress this too much - just if you have the time/desire)
9er - not knockin your idea - its not a bad idea
You pretty much hit the nail right on the head, and sunk it deep. :)
I'm on overload, but come on you know me...I'm half nuts so when I first saw 9er's post I figured likely not. But then he had to go a post this...
So crud, I figured I'd look into it...well I've been looking into it for a while now and found a good program, purchased it and have been working on getting it working and integrated into the forum.
So to make a long story short, it's coming!! Soon! Sooner than I figured and should be pretty dang cool.
Now, you know it has to get USED. :)
Especially you 9er. :))
Well see how long it last or if it's just a headache? Or causes me server issues.
But I kinda got excited about it after working on it for a while. :thumb
Brett you're the best, another reason why this is the only forum worth checking! great people, great help, great pictures, great stories - but our forum moderator (or whatever Muley Madness's title would be) is far more than just great, he goes all out on everything.. thanks MM!
It's coming along nicely so far. But you know me, I'm kinda a perfectionist and it has to be just perfect.
thanks again Brett