Check out new taxidermy website
5/23/07 10:39pm
Check it out tell me if you likey or no likey, My brother does some magnificiant work believe me, I just got done building his website for him.
but can I make a suggestion...
when I was looking at the pictures, i think it would be nice to have them in a continous loop, so you don't start at # 5 then end at #9 then back track to see 1-4, also I like what stick flicker said about being able to click on a picture & enlarge it. also how about a back button? so you can't click on it to go back to the page you were just at? or a back to home page button , but other than that I find the site great! just some features I looked for when I was looking at the site.
With that said, once I had a compatible browser the site and the mounts looked very nice! keep it updated and always post his latest work, this way you'll get us coming back for more.