Check out Sasquatch!
7/22/09 9:26pm
I came home last night after retrieving a SD card from a camara I have and was going through the pics in Windows fax viewer, and went from this:
i'd say you probably know who the peson was.
Great post though! Funny, Funny, Funny!!
Thats too funny :))
good thing the dude has a sense of hummer instead of grabby fingers. I would rather see that then see the camera missing when you hike in.
Has anyone else ever seen people messing with their camera? Post them if you got em! 10sign:
someone can mess with my trailcams all they want if it's like that.
i'm still thinking it has to be someone you know
After I found these pretty little flowers down in the desert I thought that they would make a great snack while I was up hiking in the mountains. After I stopped for my snack my memory of what happend got a little fuzzy. Now that I've got pictures from that night it all seems to fall into place.
Now if I could just remember where my clothes are at. :-k
Sorry If I scared anybody.
nevermind a bownut admitted to it! it wasnt a costume after all!
if it is you could be in trouble
How far in is the camera from a parking area?
Is it easily accessed by trail or do you have to bushwack?
Is that a popular area for camping or hiking?
Because the places I've put my camera were not exactly easy to get to in the day let alone at 11:00 at night! Has to be someone you know. That is really funny.
Or.... maybe its real?