Check this website

Hey I got from other site. check this.,3400.0.html

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WOLVES :>/ :>/ :>/ :>/ :>/
mulybow, thanks for the link. As a WA resident I watch this stuff rather closely. However, I want to point something out concerning the thread you linked to.

That is exactly what upsets me most about this entire subject. Folks "flying off the handle" without educating themselves first. The individual that started the thread started rambling incoherently without studying the subject or finding out info on it.

There are no wolf-release projects in the state of Washington and the WDFG has nothing to do with the increase in wolves in the state. They have migrated from Canada and Idaho (Yes, indirectly the WDFG plays a part by not allowing hunting of wolves...but they DID NOT RELEASE THEM). Because of this ONE bit of mis-information, I tend to call his whole rant into question. Especially the part about seeing WDFG collars on the wolves. Without knocking one over and checking the collar he cannot just ASSUME that the WDFG has any part in it...including putting the collars on the wolves. You cannot just randomly accuse folks of wrongs without proof of same.

I've said it MANY times on this site and will say it again...EDUCATE YOURSELVES on this subject before jumping to conclusions. You cannot fight your percieved injustices without educating yourself FIRST. Heck, if I was man in a position of authority and was asked to listen to this I would instanting lose interest in this guy's story.
Agreed, whether you are for or against wolves. Get educated and don't have a one tracked mind. And please don't spout off and rant off, to some you make look/sound like a hero and to others a complete idiot.

Not I should have said anything about this though, cause I'm no wolf expert at all.