Christmas List
11/24/07 7:50pm
Ok boys and girls now that turkey day and has come and pass Christmas is the next holiday. So whats on your list. new rifles,camo,boots,trucks, etc. Lets here your list every body!
get a switchback or the new drenilin :)
or go shoot some and decide for yourself, good luck on getting the tag, sounds like you have a REAL good chance at it
I'll limit myself to 3 items for now.
It's to the point now that it's all consuming. Christmas is about the last thing on my mind right now.
a Bow... Baseball season tickets... Camera...
I was in a bind the other day, and needed some waders, so santa came a bit early and dropped some off to me, then Santa dropped off the wife a new camera, now all i need is an adapter and i can be just like you!! :)