Chuckar or Pheasant

What do thinks better hunting and eating?
Chuckar or Pheasant?
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hunting pheasant , eating chucker!
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This is apples and oranges. For eating, have you ever ate a Ruffled Grouse? People that like them best think they are hands down the best eating bird. Then there is Bob White and Valley Quail. Let me say this, never found a way to fix Spruce Grouse that was worth eating except by a very hungry man. A woman on the other hand would starve first!

For hunting, there is something about traditional Chuckar country that really trips my trigger. I recommend you shoot them on the way down because you don't even want to carry your hair up some of those hill's!
I've hunted and eaten both and I prefer pheasant on both counts. Though chukar make a more challenging target, IMO.
i have only shot chukar and they are a blast and they taste perty good to
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phesant are a blast to shoot and they tast good
It's spelled Pheasant :)
"MuleyMadness" wrote:It's spelled Pheasant :)
He spelled it that way because that is his screen-name! :)

I love hunting chuckar and I have found a way that I also LOVE to eat them (breaded, fried, and covered in pineapple sweet & sour sauce!). Chuckar is pretty good no matter how you cook it. The legs get a little chewy if over cooked which is easy to do, but for the most part I like to eat them and I can actually get my wife to eat them sometimes too. I have only shot one pheasant and I cooked it in the dutch oven over charcoal for several hours with potatoes, carrots, onions and some honey and a little water in the bottom and it was Delicious as well.

Part of the fun of the hunt for me is experimenting in the kitchen when I get the meat home!

The best is a good quail cooked over an open fire on a spit with salt and pepper.
I've eaten more pheasant in my life than I have chicken. :) But have not hunted or eaten Chuckers. Those young rooster pheasants are great eating but those old long spurs. -#-