Citizen Detention Bill

This already passed the republican controlled house and is in the senate. You may want to keep an eye on this and talk to your elected representatives. When a left wing liberal nut job like Rachel Maddow is upset over legislation it's got to be obviously bad. There's a long, long version of a description of this on the website.…..BdPEK5pNtE
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Amendment No. 1274 would have given the federal government the power to detain U.S. citizens until Congress declared the ‘war on terror’ over, which we have been told is a never-ending multi-generational conflict. The provision also gave the feds the power to keep an American incarcerated even if they were tried and found not guilty.

Thankfully, Republican Senator Rand Paul discovered the provision and was able to request a last ditch roll call vote. The amendment was eventually defeated by a worryingly narrow final vote of 41-59.