Co Backdoor Results are up

With the cut in tags because of the 07 winter kill I was the only one out of the 7 people that I know who applied that got drawn this year.
Congrats on the tag 6x6........My partners and I finally got drawn for a tag this year (CO 2nd choice)........looks like another above timberline archery mule deer hunt for me. Can't wait to get back in the high country.
I've hunted CO for a number of years and gotta ask...

what are "backdoor" results?
swing and a miss here :>/


If you log into the system to buy a habitat stamp or another license it will show what you already have on file. If you drew out it should be on there.

Just another point for me. I didn't draw my second choice. ](*,)
Well congrats to you who drew out. I hope to hear some good stories from the lucky ones with tags. Hopefully the cut in tag #s will help the wildlife make a comeback this year.
6x6 bull
Torch is exactly right on what the Backdoor method is. It will usually tell you a few days earlier than the offocial post date if you have drawn. It will not tell you if you drew your first choice or not though.If you are a Nonresident it will show that you have a 491 Deer App and if you were drawn it will also show that you have a 591 Deer Tag already on file. Good Luck to everyone that draws and Roy I hope your second choice is a good one.
I'll only add that after you log on to the system, you can click on the "tags awarded" icon and it will actually tell you the unit you drew as well......
Like I said before good luck to all of you. BOHNTR I have read your article in the tips section of on preparing your body for high country hunts. I was just wondering if your sticking to the same routine? I have my own routine and can't really get too out of shape anyways being in the Marine Corps and all. Good article though I think it would do many hunters a lot of good to train themselves before they get out and about! Congrats again on everyone who drew out!
Yup......still on the program.....maintaining about 163 pounds. Just completed a full marathon last to stay in shape for the bad guys and those hard to reach mule deer! :)
CONGRATS to all that drew! I can't wait for the stories and picks (and scouting reports) to start rolling in!
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No muzzy elk, no RFW goat, BUT 12pts used for deer 3rd season!!!! Congrats to everyone else who drew.
"BOHNTR" wrote:Yup......still on the program.....maintaining about 163 pounds. Just completed a full marathon last to stay in shape for the bad guys and those hard to reach mule deer! :)
Atta baby, congrats again Roy.... :thumb
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I'll be going to chase mulies in the high country during archery. Need to break the news to my employer that I'll be gone for 2 weeks.
6x6 bull
Mark and Roy good luck to you both!!! We expect to see pics of the monsters that you guys shoot.
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drew my buck tag here for unit 49 along three others in the hunting party . the hunting gods have smiled on me this year , put in for antelope , deer and elk . i drew the trifecta this year . man am i excited and ready to go hunting .
Wish I could be up there to help with the antelope but you know I'll make it for the elk and deer!
6x6 bull
Roy, Just read your tip on staying in shape for a high altitude hunt. Great that you can stay on that strict of a diet. Actually I read it while I was waiting for the 12 pounds of pork butt in the smoker to cook. Maybe thats why you weigh 16o and I weigh 205. I try to walk or bike at least 10 miles a day two months before the hunt but should do it all year long.