CO elk hunting help?

Anyone know draw odds or something such for unit 11? Been looking around a little but can't seem to find anything on this unit (i'm assuming that means its not a real good unit?)

Or if you've got any info. on anything about this unit that'd be great (if you've seen deer here, or antelope there, or especially, what were looking for, elk anywhere? Or just if you know your way around the unit and could give us some tips for where to start out scouting?

thanks any and all - any info at all would be great! REALLY hoping to get out on a elk hunt this year!!
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What season?
1st Rifle averages about 38% success.

You would probably have a pretty good chance of drawing 1st season female to (EF011O1R). They had over 2400 tags available last year, with only 1500 or so applicants.

Now I could be, and chances probably are, that i'm wrong... but i just was dinkin around on the Colorado website that "The Ox" gave as a link in a post about archery high country elk in Colorado.

I clicked on the Statistics, went to drawing summaries for elk, and it says 88 % success for 1st season rifle doesnt it? I believe it said something like 2700 non residents applied and 2200 non residents drew out for the either sex elk 1st season rifle.

Can anyone confirm this that i'm reading it right?

Also, anyone have any info. whatsoever on if they think they know a better unit or if they know anything about this unit 11?

thanks all that can help
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Although I can't help with Unit #11, my own favorite place to find odds quickest is You can usually find odds data via the CO DOW website but it may take a while to go thru all the numbers. Whereas, the huntodds site is real easy and quick.
the link didn;t pull op on that??? but that sounds interesting, im gonna look into that and see if i can figure anything out on how to find that site.

Anyways, just thoguth i'd let everyone knoe - i just looked on the CO fish and game or whatever they are site and made dang near a presentation of information for my dad, full of marked up and highlighted papers showing this and that about everything on the unit and area. Basically the tag seems really pretty easy to draw, even with no preference points, but the success rate percentages are all pretty dang low. it seems weird as when I was there for an antelope hunt last year, a week before the elk hunt started, we were seein elk All over this certain 10 mile stretch or so - many of em shootable 5 and 6 point bulls. then we'd run into elk hunters drivin the roads scouting who would say that havent seena single elk all day??????? and they were in the same area!!

I dunno if it's just those colorado boys dont know how to spot? or if its just that us Utah boys have adapted so well with our road hunting skills that we see everything, but somethin seems fishy with that unit and i kinda wanna press my luck in there and find out what the deal is.. Who knows, maybe we were just continually in the right spot at the right time 3 days in a row???

Anyways, thanks to all who tried to help with the statistics or drawing odds or whatever.. the hunt odds page sound interesting, ill look into that.

as for anyone who has any inpput on unit 11 in general please reply and lets hear about the area. ever driven through? better yet ever hunted it? ever flown over it? lets hear! :)
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Their website has been down the last 2 or 3 days and just checked and it's still down. Try the following link:

The CO website will have much more detailed info but it will take longer to look thru all the tables.

Good Luck.