Co GMU 511

I am looking for info about hunting gmu 511 in 2011 with a muzzleloader. I hunt with a 50 cal flintlock. I am just looking for some public land around Colorado Springs. I will be new to the area and would like to start scouting in the spring. I move there as soon as I get back from Afganastan. Any help will be appreciated.
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I have never hunted GMU 511 so as far as finding public land to hunt, I would go to a website called I as well as several members of MM forum have bought these maps and they are great!. They show all public lands, National Forest land, state, BLM, WMU's, pivate land and their boundaries, etc. They are compatible with Garmin GPS's and are color which helps so much in identifying land. They are the best map I have found when considering accuracy, detail, and everything a map should have. Check out the site and good luck.

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Thanks for the help I will check that sight out!!
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Yes , I have hunted GMU 511 for archery deer and elk. Elk, you really have to work at and take the time to do your scouting. It is not a place to go to see a lot of animals. It is a more personal hunt where you seek out the draws where the individual bulls go to fatten up before the rut. If you can find the sign then you can begin to make your plans on how you will hunt him. For Muley's, you again must hunt long and hard. The best way is to get yourself a forest map of the area from one of the local ATV places in woodland park. Once you get the map drive the roads and get to know the area. Many, come up to shoot a record Muley, get disappointed and leave because you do not see the game the same way you do when you hunt other areas. The hunting is different and you have to get to know the area well beofre it begins to pay off. I shot a 5 X 6 bull archery hunting two seasons ago and could have had a cow last season but pased to get the Bull when I was scented. Deer, I have shot many deer in 511 archery hunting. I love the area primarily because it is close. I will be seeting up camp this weekend and will be driving around in a 2009 White Ford pick up with the first three letters of my plates LAX. If you see me just wave me down. I would be more than happy to get you oriented.