CO, ID, & UT map scouting site
4/9/08 7:41am
I have a free site with a ton of map scouting information available.
For example, Colorado I have Big Game concentrations, migration routes, BLM land ownership, winter/summer areas, and big game unit boundaries. Plus Topo & BW satellite imagery.
Utah I have (so far) Elk, Deer, & Pronghorn habitat areas, and unit boundaries. I'll start adding the BLM landownership data later this week, along with Bison, Goat & Sheep data. Plus Topo & BW satellite imagery.
And for Idaho, I have some very basic Topographical / B&W satellite imagery, plus the basic unit boundaries. Future additions will include more unit boundaries , hopefully' big game habitat info (if Idaho has any), and BLM land ownership.
All of this data is available for download directly into your favorite GIS application like Google Earth, World Wind or ArcGIS explorer (the best of the three IMHO). Please contact me PM if you'd like the WMS URL's.
Come on over and check it out. Please let me know how I can improve this resource.
I have a free site
For example, Colorado I have Big Game concentrations, migration routes, BLM land ownership, winter/summer areas, and big game unit boundaries. Plus Topo & BW satellite imagery.
Utah I have (so far) Elk, Deer, & Pronghorn habitat areas, and unit boundaries. I'll start adding the BLM landownership data later this week, along with Bison, Goat & Sheep data. Plus Topo & BW satellite imagery.
And for Idaho, I have some very basic Topographical / B&W satellite imagery, plus the basic unit boundaries. Future additions will include more unit boundaries , hopefully' big game habitat info (if Idaho has any), and BLM land ownership.
All of this data is available for download directly into your favorite GIS application like Google Earth, World Wind or ArcGIS explorer (the best of the three IMHO). Please contact me PM if you'd like the WMS URL's.
Come on over and check it out. Please let me know how I can improve this resource.