CO Law regarding picking up antler
10/12/11 8:07am
I will probably be best off by contacting the CDOW on this but....
Does anyone know what the rules are for picking up antlers in Colorado? I came across a nice muley rack while out scouting for elk last night. It appears to be a lion kill as the base of the neck was mangled pretty good. The nose was also chewed off almost up to the eye sockets. I want to go get it, but not sure of the law here in my state since they are still "naturally attached to the skull".
Does anyone know what the rules are for picking up antlers in Colorado? I came across a nice muley rack while out scouting for elk last night. It appears to be a lion kill as the base of the neck was mangled pretty good. The nose was also chewed off almost up to the eye sockets. I want to go get it, but not sure of the law here in my state since they are still "naturally attached to the skull".
The photos of the kill site and GPS cords are a good idea. Thanks.
I just got done scoring it and I came up with 184 4/8. I will get some pics up later on today.
yup, did that even after getting the OK from the division of wildlife to keep them :thumb