CO turkey opening day. Who's with me?
4/6/09 1:14pm
Went to Waly World yesterday and baught my turkey tag. Have not had time to scout at all this year, but will be in the woods when the sun comes up this saturday. I will be taking my dads Winchester 1200 out on opening day. It will only hold one round at a time but it is like having him there with me. Every year that I take it out on opening day of turkey season I have a great hunting year. Did not do it last year and my year basicly sucked. Do you think my dad is trying to tell me something?
Anyone here hunting turkey on opening day in Colorado?
Anyone here hunting turkey on opening day in Colorado?
I wonder if the hens will be in a romantic mood. Since I have not been scouting I will go to a favorite spot, set out a decoy, sit quiet and let the birds dictate my course of action.
I think water is going to be a major issue this year.
I was just on a little road trip in Northern NJ last week. I decided to stop by the farm where my dad taught me to hunt about 20 years ago. It turns out that it is now state owned and managed for hunting. I will be able to hunt there the 2nd week of the season, and I will be carrying one of my dads guns thanks to you. It will mean that much more if I get a bird with his gun in a place that holds so many memories. Good luck in Colorado.
Found a flock of 40+ birds with at least 4 nice toms in the group. All within 40 miles of Colorado Springs.... in a place you would never think you'd find turkeys. It's public land too.
I was out there last weekend and watched the flock go to roost late Sunday. I hope they are there Saturday morning.
I'm calling them tomorrow. If I find out this is true I am going to be pretty PO'd. I spent way too much time and expense scouting around to find these birds for them to haul them away!! :tz
Just goes to show that even someone who is dumb enough to leave their call in the garage #-o can get very, very lucky.
Will write the whole story later and post a pic if I can figure out how to do it. :-k
It almost started snowing were I was hunting... very cold and drizzly. I'm going to try the same area next Saturday. But this time I'll spread out my search for the birds a little more if need be. I was smack dab in the middle of 40+ birds there just two weekends ago. Some were only 10 feet away from me. It was pretty cool. At least I know my camo is doing it's job. And my calling doesn't scare them away. But after not finding much of anything this past weekend I'm pretty frustrated. ](*,)
As far as not having a call. One time I was working at the Air Force Academy and there was a big flock of birds near our job site. I made a call out of a comb and piece of paper. It worked quite well.
Have you gone back out yet? I don't think the DOW would trap birds during the mating season and that close to hunting season. If you want to attend the "Recreation Briefing" for Fort Carson it is held at 5pm the first and last Wed. of every month. The permit is good from 1 Jan to 31 dec of each year. I think they are considering having the permit effective dates match that of the hunting licenses. That is they could be valid until March 31 of each year. There has not been a change yet, but will keep my fingers crossed.
When I was coming back home I saw some birds down near the burn area along 115. Looks like they had just crossed from the west. Can you hunt along that stretch near the highway? I will try to attend the briefing next Wednesday. We have a project on base (Smith Dental Clinic) that we have a contract to do the EIFS system on. Maybe next Wed. will be a good day for a job site visit.
How far to the south of the base is hunting allowed? How is it all the way down near Pinon Canyon? Any birds down there? It sure looks like good elk and deer country.
Pssst. I'm still waiting for the invite to shoot a .50 cal. :222 lol
i seen you guys are real into turkey hunting and know a few great spots. well im currently deployed in iraq and from ft. carson. never been turkey hunting and just lookin for some pointers and maybe a little help. dont know how to call them, dont know what to look for, or even how to get tags. co is way different form NC there u got to walmart get your big game which includes everything state wide and u go no zones no points no lottery no limited and unlimited draws it easy. big game 2 antlered deer 2 doe depending on what the season looks like on does, 1 bear 2 turkeys me its free life time sportsman licence but normally its 55 bucks. so its a lot different from what im use to. please some one mind helpin me out. [-o<
When you get close to redeploying let me know. I will be happy to let you have as much info as possible. By the way I work at the simulation center on FT Carason.
oh ok thanks. are you at the roll over simulator or the shooting simulator? well i should be back before the beggining of next month so i will talk to u more when i get home soon. =D> thanks again and im looking forward to meeting up with u and learning something new and maybe getting some good hunting in.
thanks again
its me jon. well just wanted to say hey nd that im back home. if you want you can get ahold of me via e mail or phone.