Coal Mine near Alton - Thoughts?

Any of you locals around Alton Utah have any opinions on this??|newswell|text|Frontpage|p
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I don't know much about it. But my Grandma has a summer up there and she doesn't seem too happy about it. I guess one day I'll have to read the 2" stack of reports she has.
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What was in the article? I tried the link and came up empty. I hope the fear of change doesn't freak the locals out. Anywhere can use a boost to the economy. Coal mines bring great paying jobs, with good benefits. Would be a good thing to a small community. People often flip out about these types of industries. Often times, they hear Liberal media bash them to death from all angles. The truth is, the federal government, has more regulations pertaining to safety and enviromental protection, than Larry King has ex wives. Coal Mines, Power Plants, Gas production companies, can't hardly blow their noses without the Feds getting involved. The facts are, that no company can dump wastes of any kind anywhere, they are responsible for keeping the place clean and hazard free, and when they are done, the will be required to reclaim the entire operation back to what the area looked like before they were ever there. If anyone ever comes through the Carbon County area, I'd be happy to show you examples of this. We've had (have) mines in our area for decades. People around here are happy to have the high paying jobs with benefits.
With any mine comes msha. If any of you have dealt with osha then you have had a small dose of msha. They are 10 times more strict than osha im currently working at an above ground mine in California and recently took the role of safety is insane the amount of additional work required these mines go thru to keep people and feds happy.all the way dowwn to each tree removed.gps. tree kept alive and that when work is complete all natural habitat is restored. I don't live there but I would absolutely support it If did.
"hardstalk" wrote:With any mine comes msha. If any of you have dealt with osha then you have had a small dose of msha. They are 10 times more strict than osha im currently working at an above ground mine in California and recently took the role of safety is insane the amount of additional work required these mines go thru to keep people and feds happy.all the way dowwn to each tree removed.gps. tree kept alive and that when work is complete all natural habitat is restored. I don't live there but I would absolutely support it If did.

Thats how it was when I worked at a phosphate mine I worked at here about a year ago. It actually was really good because after they were done mining an area they would reclaim it and plant grasses and it holds some of the biggest deer and elk I have seen.
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This is usually the case, and I can give you several examples of it around here locally. If anyone ever travels up through Vernal, UT to Flaming Gorge or Wyoming, stop at the view areas near the Simplot property. It's a mining operation and the place is loaded with a nice herd of elk year round. Isn't it a shame the tree huggers don't want people to know this kind of stuff, that humans and nature can coexist without the federal government intervening. What a concept......