Cold weather?
The King
3/25/08 8:45pm
I bought a Moultree 4.0. Loved the quality of the picture, however in the cold weather it would always stop functioning. (It always said the battery was dead) Is this common with every one's cameras? I returned it to cabela's and want to buy a new one but need one that performs in the cold. any comments would be helpful.
Oh yes you have been wrong plenty of times. Remember that one time when we were talking about grannys shakes and you said it was the bestest ever and im like yup then im like i wonder if they still taste the same under new management and your like they aint under new management and im like ya huh and then you said nu uh. Well ya...You were wrong :) woah. Maybe i have my hat on to tight. whooooo knows.
This yr it got down to 19 and it went down A TAD, still it took 114 pics in 4 days