Collage Project

Gentlemen and ladies that might read this “Blog”, I have retired and from the Military (Air Force) Last year- the move to Reno NV. Now I have decided to go back to collage (maybe an old dog can learn new tricks). But as part of my class (Information system) we are required to post blogs on a web sight for 6 consecutive days, each post must be at least 200 words. So I will be rambling on about “A whole lot of Nothing”, until I get to the 200 mark each day, I also have to post some pictures, so there will be some pictures that have been seen before. If you would like to make post it would be appreciated.

If you have read this far, thank you. We will start the rambling; because I just got out of class and my brain has not re-booted back to normal yet.
The weather has been very nice here in Reno, but this brings concern about the winter, how hard or is there going to be a lack of winter this year. When I moved up here in Jan 09 we only had a dusting of snow that year, But last Oct-Mar we got hammered with the snow, receiving up to 20 inches in one day. You would think that with that much snow it would drive the coyotes to feed, I called all that next week and nothing, it was a week before I could get any dogs to come in to the call. But as I set here unwinding from class, I’m thinking of the goals for varmint harvest this year. I would like to get like to get 50 coyotes, 10 red fox and 5 bobcats (this will be hard, the bobcats).

I hope everyone has a good day.

M. Bird
Do our posts have to be 200 words also? lol


Have fun back at school.
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Thanks Bow nut: no your post does not have o be 200 words, if it was I don’t think anyone would respond to my post.

What shows does everyone watch on a regular bases? Has all the hunting shows changed your choice of weapons?
Have you every used the services of a Guide?
If yes
What species?
What state did you hunt?

I just caught the back end of a hunting show “The Experience” person was on a guided elk hunt in Colorado, the guide had the person shoot a very spindly 3X4, score wise I would guess 225-250, I will give the hunter is from back east, but a 2-3 year old bull should not be the target of the guide. The host of the show is Jodi Clark: who is she?

How do you become a host of a Television show?
I have been seeing more and more hunting shows that are dedicated to bow hunting, I know that it is growing in popularly but I think the companies are going over board.

Ok I have rambled on pretty good tonight.

Thanks for the time

M. Bird
Springville Shooter
Mark, Congrats on going back to school, are you going to UNR? If so, the wolfpack is my second favorite college team and I hope they find a way to ruin the Boise Broncos run this year. I have never used a guide, but never disapprove of those who chose to. There might come a time in my life when age/time/health/grandkids will pursuade me into going this rioute, but for now I will tough it out myself. I don't watch hunting shows, but once in a while I buy the $2.00 DVDs from Sportsmans Warehouse and most of them are barely worth 2 bucks. ---------SS
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Thanks for the response Springville Shooter, The wolf pack is doing pretty well so far this year, we are playing Hawaii (in Hawaii) this weekend, it should be a good game. If we get to Boise State undefended it will be a good game, there are no tickets left for the game.

Going back to school has been a change, it’s funny to hear theses young adults talk about “in their experience” I sit there and think what do these people know about the world, most of them are early 20’s, some have part-time jobs but still rely on their parents for most of it. One person that comes to mind keep talking about a great job that he had last summer and how he went partying every payday and be broke all week, I asked him where he lived during the summer: you can figure this on out; parents.

Getting back to hunting:
For those who have used guides for a hunting or fishing trip, how did you go about finding the Guide?
Friends recommendation
Adds: magazine, TV, Internet?
Other? How?
When booking with the guide, did he ask what your expatiations were?
Did the guide explain the class and type of animals you would see?

Thanks all for the read and comments

M. Bird
I have been on two guidd hunts so far. The first was a bear hunt up in the Frank Church Wilderness with Middle Fork Outfitters. It was towards the end of the season so it was tough hunting but had an awesome time. We packed back into the middle of nowhere and camped on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River man that is some beutiful country. When the time came I missed my shot but I still wouldn't change the whole for anything in the world. It was a classy operation and our guide was top notch.

I found this outfitter by surfing the net and talked to them a couple of times before deciding to go with them.

The second hunt was a canada goose hunt up in Alberta out of a little town called Pincher Creek. It was an awesome time also. I have never seen so many geese in all my life. We had our limits within a few hours every day. These guys also went above and beyond to help with hotel rooms, food, and they have some people up there that are kind of like the amish that would clean your birds for a small fee. All told I think that the whole trip cost us about $1200 for everything from start to finish.

Just thought that I would mention that if you decide to go to Canada make sure that you get ALL of your rounds for your pistol out of your truck before you cross the border. I was surprised that they let me keep my shells but it took us about and extra hour and a half to get under way again.

My brother's friend goes up on this hunt every year and was telling us about it so we went with them one year. Have been dreaming about going back ever since.
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Thanks Again A bow Nut;
I was thinking about going on a bear hunt next year, I would like to go to Canada, or the other is Caribou, my biggest problem is that I was a guide and I know the standard that we had, what we expected from the hunter, we were a small outfit we did a lot of antelope some deer and some elk. The antelope was the easy time, just get the client within 200yds of the goat and let them miss 4 or 5 times, then take them back to the range and let them sight in again because somehow the scope got bumped and is off, of course the shooter was never the problem (LOL). But that is also why I’m Leary about going on a guided hunt. I have heard a lot of stories about how bad their last hunting trip was, I’m sure half of the stories are BS but some of them have to be true.

We never did any advertising so we had the right to refuse service to any person that we did not think was right, I did have my share of chair hunters, when it came to elk.
We had a nice camp set up 3 wall tents, 2 sleepers and 1 cook, we were 4 ½ hours via horse back into the mountain (Primitive Area, no wheeled items). Rarely saw another hunter but every now and then we would come across someone. First year I was a wrangler /guide, I went out opening morning (day before clients came in to camp), not to early but left camp on foot before light, I get to a good vantage point and start glassing, I hear noise below me on a small shelf, I start looking, here come a hunter, he get on the shelf and finds a good view and sits down (never knowing I was there) I let him get settled in, then started pitching small pebbles at him to get his attention, had to bark at him to get his attention. We talked a little and he had been walking for almost 5 hours to get to that spot form the west side of the mountain he asked how I got up there, I explained we had a camp about ½ mile away, I let him have the spot, I was just looking.

Everyone have a good day

M. Bird
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No replies on Saturday mid Oct, I guess everyone is where I would like to be- - Hunting Big Game. Talking with a friend form New York (up state), talking about doing a deer hunt in Colorado Next year I was thinking about doing the Durango Colo area, hunter in the area for several years, always saw good bucks in the area, still have access to some private land in the area, the late season was always better than the earlier, snow always moved the deer down of the high mountains, this has always been good for me. I will have to find out if the area is still OTC for the late seasons. The other that I will look at in an antelope hunt in Wyoming, just something fun to do. This will also give me a reason to get a new rifle that I want; I have decided that I need a new rifle in the 260 caliber. I would like a savage, but savage does not make any of their rifles in 260, but I can get one the action re barreled for a couple of hundred, could do the whole rifle for under $1000 without glass.
Hope everyone has a great weekend

M. Bird
Boy I sure wish that I was out hunting. That doesn't start till next week for me and man I think that it will just about kill me if it doesn't hurry up and get here. Finally pulled a limited enrty tag that I have been putting in for, for ten years now. I posted a thread about our scouting trip.

I think that guides should expect certain things from the hunters that they will be guiding and should let them know it before they agree to take them as a client. The more honest that everybody is up front the better hunt that everybody will have.

When I went on my bear hunt I had to prove that I could hit the target at a hundred yards a few times before they would even let us start hunting. Boy was I galed that they did because my gun had moved a few inches to the right on the way up to camp. Even on our goose hunt they made us proove that we knew how to call before they would let us hunt on our own.

I feel that I got lucky on both hunts because what I wanted was someone to point me in the right direction then just let me hunt on my own. On the bear hunt the person that was supposed to be my guide quit the day before I showed up to hunt so for the two hunters they only had one guide but it was fine with me. He would get me set up in an area and explain where the animals should come in from and then he would head out with the other hunter. The last thing that I want is somebody sitting there every second holding my hand.

It has been one of my life long dreams to go hunt caribou one day. I don't know what it is about them but the mountain caribou that live in the Youkon territory and up into Alaska just seem to be one of the coolest animals around outside of the local animals that I hunt.
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I’m with you on the Caribou, I have looked at them many times, boy I wish I could do one of them, I know in Canada you are allowed to get two bulls in most areas. The price of the hunts is not that bad. But having the time off from work is the kicker, going from the Military were I would get 30 days per year and able to accumulate up to 60 days, then go to the private sector were you have to work for a year and they give you a week. I want my 30 days back, ok I will stop wining. I will just have to wait until I have more vacation or afford a leave on absence to take 3 weeks; the other problem is the war chief likes to hunt so all cost are doubled. I’m just looking forward to the Colorado deer hunt next year, I was looking at the Colorado game and fish site and they do not show the odds of drawing or how many tags were available for a given area, all the deer tags are draw only. I know the area that I would like to hunt. I have been there a couple of time in the past years, but have not hunted in the area, seen a lot of good deer, must people do not hunt this area, it is to close town, they have to get out in the high mountains. But when you are in Durango you are in the high mountains.
Well that’s all for now
Have a great day
M. Bird
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M. Bird

I also retired from the military and went back to school. I now have a B.S. in MIS and a M.S. in Information Technology/Project Managemnt.

I hunt (and work) exclusivley on a military base. This poses certain risks that are not normaly expirienced during your normal hunting adventures. ( Yes you can out run a tank lol ). My entire big game hunting season has had to be cancled due to military training. Thats the bad news. The good news is that the Colorado Division of Wildlife is going to refund the affected hunters their license fees (mine was 1 ea doe and cow tag), reinstate our points to the pre draw level and give us one additional point as if we did not draw a licencse this year.

In addition to that I had purchased an OTC Bull tag and a bear tag for the same season. I have already surrendered those tags for a refund. Due to other commitments I will not be able to do any big game hunting this year.

Oh well There is always ducks and small game this year. Next year I should have enough point to get buck or either sex tag.

Ruck up! Get it up and get it on!!!
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this is the last post for this project I thank you for allyour replys but I still have to post 200 words for this to count as part of the ocurse. Should I just type deer hunting and poste it until I have reached 200 words, I think that would that would defeat the list of me doing the typing
for give if the typing sucks, I doing this as the instructor is talking. I must pay attention to small details. I hope I'm getting this right, now I have to get an audio file inbeded into the profile.I will have to go back to typing later, instructor is standing important parts. Ok I'm home from school and try to type better from the final post is due at midnight tonight. the instructor went over the grading remarks today in class and you could have heard a pin drop when she pointed out that each "Blog" entry had to have lt least two hundred (200) words in order to count. I do believe that a lot of people just wrote a single line and called it good, well that is not going to work for the assigment. The rule for the assigment was 6 "blogs" on 6 different days, if you go back and change your post it will show a modifcation date and that is the date that you ae locked into, so you can make 6 post in one day and it would count as one post, I hope that I have met all the requirements for the grade, I did not do very well on the quiz today. Now it is time to start the homework for the math and english class.

I do thank all that have replyed to this blog and Muley Madness for letting me do my project on thier site.


P.S. do somthing that affects another persons life in a positive manner
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thank all who replyed to the post I recieved a good grade for the project

M. Bird