Color blind newbie w/9 yr old - need help filling spike tag

I'm new to this forum, and 3 yrs new to hunting. I now love the outdoors, but I'm color blind so its especially difficult for me to see the animals in cover.

I've hunted elk 6-8 days each of the last 3 yrs (and more days for deer b/c I did archery one yr), and have only seen one elk & a few small bucks.

I'm planning to go to the Pahvant or Monroe unit to hunt for spike elk later this week with my 9yr old son who has never hunted before, but I don't know those areas at all & am looking for advice on where to go. I want him to have a great experience & to see some animals & perhaps see me get one.

Please pm me if you have an tips - I'd really appreciate it.

