
Hi fellow hunters.This is my first time posting although I check in on what you all have to say almost daily.Figured this would be a good time to start posting since I have decided to go down and cash in my colorado points and hunt 4th season in abouve mentioned units.any info that I can get about these units will be much appriciated since I live 20 hours away and will not be able to step foot on the units until 4 days before the season .Thank you and I can't wait to put my two cents in on the places that I have hunted and scouted throughout the west.
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Cant help on the units but thought i would ::wel you
::wel to MuleyMadness. I've hunted the west side of the Gore Range quite a bit, which is 36. I'm not very familiar with 37/371 but you might find some bucks north of Green Mountain Res. in the sage and Pinons come 4th season.
::wel to the MADNESS you got a decent tag some good hunting for 4th season not to familar with 37 nad 371
but to agree with Hiker's advice on the green Mountain Res. You will want to get maps and start contacting the biolgist and wardens for the area they can be of great assistanceif you catch them before they are overloaded with inquiries.
Good Luck
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I have talked to the biolagist a couple times but just to get some basic information on if he thought it might be worth putting in for. I have not picked his brain about the unit yet. Figured I would get some back ground on the unit and talk to him again after I have learned more about the layout of the unit.That is why I decided to ask all you what you have to think about the units.
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Eagle county has the most Boone and Crockett entries of anywhere for mulies. Good choice. The only problem you'll run into is weather. I'd look at the Farmer's Almanac they are about 70% accurate. Not only do you need to know where they usually are at this time of year but you'll need to know where they winter in case heavy snows push them onto winter range. We hunted unit 35 last year during 4th season and expected snowy conditions and the deer to be where they'd been the last 5 years during this time period. It was record high temps and no snow. We didn't do well. The deer were still high and not in any mood to move during the day. Scout so you'll know where they'll be in any weather. They usually come off the high country and end up on Onion Ridge and the Deep Creek area up through to Burns if it snows. That's where the Christensen Arms crew hunts and makes their videos. Be careful if you road hunt. One young man lost his life by not paying attention and driving himself and a passenger off a cliff last year. Get a designated driver.
Good luck .
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Thanks for the info M gardner. I usuelly do high country style hunts so as this will be a much physicaly easier hunt than I am use to I do not figure there will be any hunting done out of the truck.Do you think that I need to bring a 4 wheeler to get onto roads that my truck may get stuck on.I have not got my maps yet so I do not know how many or what kind of roads are in the units. I have shot a couple bucks in the 170's so I will hold out for the first few days for something in the 180's or one that has the It factor(for me that is width and mass).After that I will shoot a buck that I decide that I like hopefully in the 160's or better.
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I got looking at the GMU map and see that the area I'm familiar with is in 35 and 36, not as far over as you will hunt, sorry. You probably won't be doing a high country hunt that late unless it's unusually warm. I believe that area gets quite alot of snow fairly early.

North of Green Mtn Reservoir....turn left...hunt elk.

Good luck.
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eagle county does have some monsters. i got two above my bed. its a good area. the weather can get bad but most of the time its good.
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most of the time the snow dont fall till late november but it does snow in early october. silvertip-co can agree since last year we got heavy snow the first season
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18 and 28 are actually in grand county while 37 and 371 are right next to eagle county but are in summit county. Is it tough to find the larger bucks without snow, and is there one unit that I should consintrate more of my efforts on over the others.