Colorado area 35 is it worth hunting
12/3/07 10:44pm
looking for over the counter spots and heard 35 was good anyone have any advice....Thanks
Cant imagine saving pp up to hunt a deer unit like 44 and then be over whelmed by OTC elk hunters. DOW needs to wake up and do something with more units not saying we have to manage for 400 bulls but 5 year olds would be attainable in most units and would not hurt much in the way of tgas and revenue.
Point being if you have to save 7-10 points to hunt muliess in a unit then you should not have to deal with so many elk hunters in the same unit. By managing units for older elk and mulies then you give out less tags. Not saying to this in all units Just the ones that already take more than 4-5 points for deer already.
I hunted about 3 days out of 2 seasons in unit 35 and tons of people every time on all sides of it. It was like the drive thru at Mc Ds waiting to get checked by the warden(twice).