Colorado GMU 34 resourses?

Can anyone steer me towards some good information on Mule Deer hunting in Colorado GMU 34? I have done a number of searches but can only find info for Elk in this unit. This is my first Colorado hunt. I have been up to the unit once and plan another trip for scouting before the late October hunt.

I'm not looking for anyones honey hole, just whatever I can find out...what should I expect for weather? How much hunting preasure, etc.

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thats actually the unit im huntin this year. theres alot of elk in that unit just got to be able to work for them. my 2nd season their gonna be deep in the canyons or dark timber and not gonna show them selves till dark so its gonna be a tough hunt if you can hike you should be good. ied go hunt from heart lake south tword duck lake thats real good elk country and its not as steep as the lower end of the unit hit me up if you want i got alot of info on that unit - buck
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Thanks Colorado buck, my hunt is actually for Mule Deer not Elk. What should I expect the deer behavior to be like? Also what kind of weather conditions am I likely to encounter? I'm trying to decide on whether to camp of hunt from a hotel - partly also because I have work to do in Denver right after the hunt.
