colorado gmu 44
7/25/09 6:54pm
Hello everyone I was lucky enough (well patient enough) to draw a gmu 44 o4 season tag does anyone have any advise as where to hunt, butcher, huntable properties, or places to stay. Also I was thinking of getting a left over cow tag is there a good amount of elk in the area.
Give the warden and bioligist afor the area a call they may be able to help pinpoint what parts of the unit to avoid after a couple bad winters we had.
Thanks everyone!
I've spent some time up in that unit & might be able to help out...I sent you a PM.
I grew up hunting in Unit 44 before it was a limited trophy unit or before he whole state was limited.
There are big bucks anywhere along the Gypsum Creek drainage - shooting is easier on Hardscrabble if you have a flat shooting rifle and a steady hand. Also consider hunting the hills overlooking the Colorado river west of Gypsum.
There is a good elk population in the area - your odds of running into cow elk or a raghorn bull are very good. A big bull will be very hard to come by unless the snow is deep!
You are likely to see two pretty distinct genetic lines - or at least I used to when I hunted that area more. There is a wide, bow shaped, heavy beamed, deep forked antler formation (I saw them more commonly on Red Table Mounain but not exclusively), and a taller not quite as heavy more angular shape that also has great forks (more often on Hardscrabble).
Watch the roads in wet weather - The power line road and the Cottonwood Pass road are impassible without an ATV unless it's cold enough to freeze the mud.
Good luck! Your opportunity will come - stay calm! LOL I've missed 3 bucks in that unit that would score 180-200 - so far the best I have actually hit only scores about 170.
Now does anyone know anything about hunting B zone blacktails in California?
I'm stuck here on the west coast wondering why the "big bucks" look like yearlings!
Thank you for the great info it will come in very handy on my hunt I'm sure. What size buck would you hold out for on this hunt. I live in northern A zone but hunt B zone and D5 there are some good bucks in northeastern B zones but you will be hard pressed to find a buck like in the rockies. I used to live in Montana now I'm here and very frustrated with the hunting, but hey its california what can you expect. A good spot to start hunting in B zone is the covelo area. I could recemend acouple other areas but B is huge so what part are you from or interested in.
You should hunt for whatever you consider a trophy buck. You have a very good tag, but you can also go home empty handed very easily. I have gone home without a deer more often than not when I was trophy hunting.
But, IF I had your tag - I would be looking for a buck that would score at least 175. Look for width PAST the ears, heavy beams, and forks at least 7-8 inches deep. (odds are if the buck meets those criteria it will be significantly larger) The shape may be taller or wider - but I look for mass first - it takes 4-5 years to develop mass and most older bucks in that area are trophy size. You will know a trophy buck when you see it.
I used to hunt up Gypsum Creek (Hardscrabble and Red Table) both rifle and archery since my first deer license (total of about 25 years). There aren't the deer in the area there were back in the 1980's but the elk population is a lot bigger. I never lived in the area - my Dad just liked hunting there so I kept hunting in the area. He's isn't able to hunt anymore but it holds a lot of good memmories!. I stopped hunting in the area for a few years when I lived in Cortez - there was good hunting a lot closer.
i meant to get those pictures up but my computer went down and the one i have now that im temporarily using wont let me upload them. but im gonna post the pics from my bucks in 2007
well I tried to upload the pic but cant can anyone help me with that
congrats on the buck and hope to see him
where did ya get him at
Still a lot of confusion out there as to "HOW TO" post pictures to the forum. Here is the simple 8 step process...
1. Your photo must be uploaded or Hosted on the internet first. Here is a FREEsite that you can register for that will allow you to do that...
2. You simply click the join now button as shown below...
3. Next your enter in your information as shown below...
4. It will then ask show/ask you a few questions about ADS, just click NO THANKS at the bottom and continue. You will then come to this page where you enter in your username and password...
5. Next click on the Choose file tag, it will then pop up a window and you simply find the location of the image on your computer. In my case the image is called 7base.jpg. Then click the submit button.
6. Your almost done, now you'll see a page similar to this with your photo now uploaded/hosted to the internet. You simply click in the bottom Img box, the one highlighted in gray shown here...then copy and paste that exact link into the website of your choice.
7. In our case we have pasted the Img tag into MuleyMadness forums as shown here...
8. Then simply click the submit button in the forum and WALLA your photo appears in the forum, and of course looks AWESOME!
Your done now, wasn't to bad eh? Enjoy!
thank you guys for all the help I have seen some great bucks and awsome country thanks to you guys, you are great guy's and I hope I can help you guys out on your hunts one of these days.
Congrats on a great buck =D>
Primal215 Buck Colorado
You guys gave me great info that put me in some beautiful areas that I could see holding awsome deer and elk. I owe bigantlergetter and coloradobuck big time for there great advice and knowledge of the area. Bigantlergetter asked for more detail on the shot but there is not much to say , because I was driving off the mountain and literally a 1\4 mile from springcreek rd which is in the town of gypsum . I was thinking of what part of the gmu to hike into next when the biggest buck I have seen in all my 29 years crossed the road 50 yards infront of my truck so I quickly grabbed my rifle and started to jump out when I realized buck fever had taken over and I forgot to put the truck in park, so I quickly parked it and loaded my rifle. By the time I was ready to bag him another hunter(elk hunter) drove up which spooked him. The buck took off pouncing back across the road as fast as he could so I threw my rifle up and put the cross hairs on him before he could get it the trees then I squeezed the trigger right before he would have disappeared and he was hit. The shot wasn't the best do to running and buck fever but I spined him and I saw his rear half go limp so I quickly put one more round in his chest but at the angle I was in, it went through his chest and into his neck which finished him quickly. He was dead 20 yards of the road which made for a easy drag and a great show for all the hunters going by. For those interested in this gmu I would recommend waiting 2 years to apply for it because the herd is at half its objective and the deer are far and few between but I did see 4 pointers daily just not the caliber I was looking for. If I had points I would wait 2 years for the herd to rebound. I think this area has more huge bucks to small bucks then any area I have ever been so if you want a true bruser apply for this hunt in 2 years. If it wasnt for the bad winter of 2007 there would have been a lot of real trophies
Congrats again on a great buck. =D> =D>
If anybody needs butchering in gmu44 then call Eric of Action Taxidermy & Game Processing, he is a good guy and did a great job :thumb 10sign:
And congrats on an AWESOME buck!