Colorado Hunt

Well Arnold and I were at it again hunting Mule deer like we love to do. We had been excited about our late season Colorado hunt since we found out we drew. One weekend before the hunt Arnold, his Dad and I drove up to our unit to check things out. With only a day to look we managed to find a pretty nice looking peace of public we could hunt. So the hunt finally came after having two blow outs on the trailer we finally made it to our camping spot. One the first day we went to the spot we had scouted the weekend before, we did manage to see this buck, but due to the hunting pressure around the buck spooked off and we couldn't see how big he was just that he was nice. We ended up hunting this buck the next two days with the same results people would be on top of the canyon he was trying to come up to bed and he would end up spooking each day not letting us get the look we needed to see how big he was. On the walk out on the 2nd day i seen this 4x4 at about 500 yards and decided what the heck and ended my hunt. He was an OK deer and it was a blast hunting him.

So now that my tag was full it was time to help Arnold get one. During the first two days of hunting i watched Arnold turn down two nice bucks around 24 wide, so i knew he was looking for something special. Not really knowing how big this buck was and me being the one who had the best look at him this far I didn't want to say he was a giant, but i wanted Arnold to hunt him because i knew he was a nice deer. So after some discussing we decided to keep hunting this buck. The first time we went in same thing people and no big buck. We did actually see another nice 4x5 that day, but Arnold let him go. That night we tried a different area with no luck at all.

The next morning came we arrived at our parking spot, to our surprise no people around. We started walking to our look out. We got there just in time to see some does feeding up the canyon to bed. When all of sudden he appeared from around a sage brush looking straight at us. We both seen the deer at the same time and Arnold was already to shoot after some nice shooting the buck was down. We gave high fives and yelled and hooped it was so awesome to walk up to this buck and not knowing the whole time exactly how big he was, to see him grow and see extra points it was totally a overwhelming experience. He ended up being 27 wide and grossed 196. Congrats again to Arnold on a great deer this will for certain be burned into the ever lasting hunting memories we tend to make each year. GREAT JOB BUDDY thanks for the great hunt.
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Congrates, great bucks. =D>
WOW! :222 :thumb
WOW!! Check out those forks, what a beauty! IMPRESSIVE GUYS! :thumb :thumb
Yup! You guys did REAL NICE!! Congrats :thumb
Heads or Tails
Nice buck, I like the in-lines!!

CONGRATS!! Man, those are both pretty nice bucks, but Arnold's buck is simply AWESOME. VERY NICELY DONE!

Beautiful deer though...both of em. Thanks for the story and pics...Y'all did really well.
It was a great hunt. The research, scouting, patients and great hunting partner, Jeremy, allowed for one of the best hunts of my life!!!
Great hunt guys....congrats!!
thats a toad! congrats on having a great hunt, and thanks for sharing it with us :thumb
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Wow, congrats on some nice mulies. That one is phenomenal, beautiful forks. Glad y'all had fun!!
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Sweet bucks! I would love to see one with forks like that.
those forks are huuge!! =D> congrats
Way to go guys, congrats on a great hunt. Nice pics too.

Thanks for posting them Jer

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man that is one big nontypical buck if he was just a five by five he would look just like the one a was looking for when i was hunting in utah in the dymold mountain uint but he was about 35 wide ](*,) :thumb
I must have missed this post. Couple of great bucks guys...good job! :thumb
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that is an impressive buck!!
jersey boy
Nice job great deer!!!
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Very nice buck congrats
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To Jersey Boy- Don't want you to get excited but look at Arnolds picture on his post. (huntut) That buck was taken very near where you are moving to.