Colorado Mule Deer
3/7/14 9:50am
My dad and I are looking into going mule deer hunting in Colorado next fall by purchasing leftover over the counter tags. Does anyone have any suggestions as to which units to try and get these tags for or where the best chance of success in taking a deer would be? Any advice is helpful.
It is $25 or so a year but you may want to join the hunters trail head web site as there is a wealth of information on there and it is worth the $25. With all we put into hunting the $25 to see the draw odds in a easy to read fashion is invaluable.
You still have almost a month until the deadline for the Co draw. Have some fun looking at units then picking a unit and then bring your father out for a hunt.
It's a real zoo, and I found harder than the draw. Anything leftover won't be worth buying after the first surge is over. Actually, leftover in general isn't that great. Certainly not worth non resident fees.
Try the draw, and if you fail you'll have a point for next year, and you can still try the leftover. You may not be aware, but if you try for the draw, and fail. Make sure you check the box that's for leftover, and not a refund. That way you get a point, and you get to draw again from the leftover list before the general public. If you don't try the draw, and wait for the leftover list. Everything good has been taken by those who failed in the draw, and got the list earlier.
The point I was making to you is it's better to get in the draw, and check the leftover list box as compared to just waiting for the leftover list offered to the public later in the year.
"Make sure you check the box that's for leftover, and not a refund. That way you get a point, and you get to draw again from the leftover list before the general public."
Can you see where it might be confusing?