Colorado Muley Hunt Help!!???

I got deer tags (as does my dad and brother) for units 041 - 042 - 421

The plan was that my dad had a buddy in a high place for this area and he was gonna find some property for us to hunt over there. Well turns out he's not gonna be in town cause of work and I sure as heck am not going to let a $300 out-of-state deer tag go to waste!! Oh yeah, forgot to mention, im looking for private land cause the tag is a Private Land Only tag. This is for a buck deer during the 3rd season rifle hunt from Nov. 4 -Nov. 10

It would be a HUGE help if anyone could help me out with this at all. I'm even willing to do a little work in exchange if necessary. Please PM if you can help or know someone who can (or reply to this on here, i dont care either way). If for some reason you'd prefer e-mail it's

Thanks to any and all who may have some help for me, or at least be able to point me in the right direction of someone who knows some people over there or has some land over there.

with a mad passion for muley hunting;
-Weston W. Gleave
Oh yeah, forgot to mention, im looking for private land cause the tag is a Private Land Only tag. This is for a buck deer during the 3rd season rifle hunt from Nov. 4 -Nov. 10
hound hunter, I had some areas for you but it's all public land. PLO tags can be a tough deal if you don't have a ranch that will let you on.
You guys might want to call Rifle and Parachute Chamber of commerce and see if they can help you with some names. If you can't find a place to hunt CDOW might let you turn them back in. Their phone # is 303-297-1192. I hope it all works out for you.
Thanks Hiker - I think my dad tried to turn his back in but they wouldnt let him for whatever reasons, i dunno why? I could be wrong, ill ask when he gets home tonight, but im pretty sure he tried to. I havent tried to yet just cause id really love to get as much hunting in as i can, haha

Just curious, is these units mostly all private land? or mostly public? or are we about equally half n half? I was thinking if worst comes to worst and i cant find anyone i may just press my luck, drive clear out there, and nock on doors for a day or two hopin to get lucky.. Probably not a good idea but if i cant find any help at all before hand, i really am wanting to go huntin and i think i might just be crazy enough to do this, haha.

thanks anyways for the help though - I sure wish i did just have the public land tag. Hey, just thought of something, they dont allow trading in a private tag for a public tag in the same areas do they? Id be danged suprised to hear they did, i accualy think its illegal, but just thoguht id ask in case im lucky enough to be wrong!

thanks a bunch hiker, and anyone else who's able to help out at all!
HH, CDOW does not have anymore leftovers for that area. If you cannot find a place to hunt, see if they'll let you exchange your tag for a area that has leftovers with public land. Those units have a lot of public land but is mostly private. For that PLO tag, you might also want to ask the landowners, if they'll let you on if you're willing to pay a trespass fee. Try to do it before season starts.
Hmm.. well i definately appreciate all the help Hiker!! Hopefully I can figure something out with the many options you've given me. Thanks again and ill keep you posted with what happens.