Colorado Muzzy Hunters

I just recently learned of the regulations on Muzzleloading in Colorado and was just curious as to what make or manufacturer of muzzleloaders everybody is shooting?
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I'm waiting for the new CVA Mountain Rifle to show up.
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Thanks for the response! I have heard that CVA shoots conicles pretty accurately and that they are a very reliable guns. I do not really know a whole lot about muzzleloading so I was just trying to get a feel for what others were hunting with here in Colorado.
CVA For me as well. I own just about all of them LOL. Along with the 250gr Thor conical
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Which CVA do you think shoots conicles the best out of the ones you own?
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"ncook05" wrote:Which CVA do you think shoots conicles the best out of the ones you own?
All of them shoot conicals well.
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Thanks for the input, I appreciate it! It is always a tough decision when you are making an expensive purchase an read mixed reviews about which muzzleloaders shoot conicals well and which don't.
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Sometimes the TC muzzleloaders have a hard time with conicals. TC will even tell you their guns are made for sabots.

CVA guns are the opposite. The same company that owns CVA owns Powerbelt too. So, they like conicals. Not just PB's, but most all conicals. They also shoot sabots well too if that's what you like. The Bergara barrels that CVA uses are really hard to beat. Very accurate.
I shoot an Austin & Halleck, but they went out of business. Beautiful guns though.
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I was really surprised the first time heard TCs don't shoot cinicals well, just because they are known for their muzzleloaders. Sabots are not legal in Colorado though, are they? Sorry about all the questions, just trying to gain as much knowledge as possible before I make a purchase.

I may have to look into a used Austin & Halleck. I have also heard that White made some great muzzleloaders but from what I understand they are no longer in business either.
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Yup! Can't use sabots, pellets, or scopes in Colorado.
You are correct, sabots are not allowed in Colorado during muzzle loader season. The same goes for pelletized powder, and scopes. If you were to use a muzzle loader during a rifle season, you could use sabots, a scope, and pelletized powder.
Whites are great conical guns, but as you mentioned they are no longer in business. I have a Thompson Center Omega, I have never put a conical through it, but they are known for being very finicky with them. I have also heard that the Hornady FPB's and Thor bullets shoot well out of them which would be legal for Colorado. If you are looking for a gun specific for Colorado it is probably best to look somewhere besides Thompson Center.
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Thanks guys! It is good to know you can use a scope and sabots during the rifle season, I couldn't seem to find it in the big game regs book but maybe I just overlooked it.
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Unfortunately, no gun maker currently caters to conicals since so many more people shoot sabots. Those of us who just shoot conicals have to "make do". Although I don't own a CVA, but the Accura and the Optima have good track records with conicals. Knights are also known as good conical shooters. Any of the disc exteme models and the long range hunter. I assume the new Mountaineer will do the same. I have a LRH with a bare primer conversion. My T/C Omega didn't shoot conicals worth a D^#^ until I had the QLA cut off.

Then there is the second problem. I love shooting Blackhorn 209 powder. My T/C shoots BH 209 great! But normal breechplugs on the Knights won't shoot BH reliably. And I hear CVAs have the same problem. I have a Lehigh conversion breechplug for my LRH and it shoots BH great. THere are several ways to get the CVA plug to work as well, but don't know exactly how that is done. Good luck
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CVA and Western have BH BP's for the CVA guns. You can also just adjust the head space for a tight fit of the primers, and the stock CVA plugs works fine for BH 209. With the added benefit of no blowback.

If you want to shoot conicals. A CVA gun is a safe bet.
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Is Knight still in business because I thought they went out of business as well? Right now I am leaning toward the CVA Accura. I have shot the accura before but with sabots and they are nice shooting guns.
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Knight did go out of business, but they're back in production now.
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SHooting a Knight Disc Extreme here. It just flat loves Blackhorn 209 under a 435gr conical sized .503".