Colorado Muzzy Hunters
2/21/12 9:28am
I just recently learned of the regulations on Muzzleloading in Colorado and was just curious as to what make or manufacturer of muzzleloaders everybody is shooting?
CVA guns are the opposite. The same company that owns CVA owns Powerbelt too. So, they like conicals. Not just PB's, but most all conicals. They also shoot sabots well too if that's what you like. The Bergara barrels that CVA uses are really hard to beat. Very accurate.
I may have to look into a used Austin & Halleck. I have also heard that White made some great muzzleloaders but from what I understand they are no longer in business either.
Then there is the second problem. I love shooting Blackhorn 209 powder. My T/C shoots BH 209 great! But normal breechplugs on the Knights won't shoot BH reliably. And I hear CVAs have the same problem. I have a Lehigh conversion breechplug for my LRH and it shoots BH great. THere are several ways to get the CVA plug to work as well, but don't know exactly how that is done. Good luck
If you want to shoot conicals. A CVA gun is a safe bet.