Colorado Snow Scenery
1/10/07 12:09pm
Some new pics over the last week. Im still having troubles reducing these from 30"X30" to fit here without the pixelation.. Sorry... Any help with this would be great.
I always save as with "web" in the filename, so I know that it is a lower resolution file.
Let me know if you need more specifics, would be glad to help.
Thank you for the info I will definately try it. I am using photoshop CS2. Ill see if that helps these pics are huge and clear and when I use resize they take a beating on resolution.
A good size to start with is 600px wide. When saving the image, go to "save as" and save it as a jpeg. Adjust the "quality" slider bar if needed so that your image file size is 256k or less. This is the maximum size allowed for posts on
Hope this helps.