colorado success.

after a long week with little deer activity we were lucky to find this last minute buck, my brother jeff passed on 4 bucks in the 170's before we found this buck.
Congrats on a great buck and ::wel to the forum!!!! Again awesome buck you should share more of the story! :thumb

First off, WELCOME!! Thanks for the photos, that is a beautiful buck. Love the height on him. 10sign:
Welcome and great buck cant wait to hear the story 10sign:
Well after building 8 points my brother decided to cash them in. we had hunted the unit for both deer and elk in the past with mixed results. after a summer of research and contacting a bunch of people who had hunted the unit in the past we planned on camping in the middle of the unit and scour every nook and cranny to find the deer. on the secend day of the season my brother shot at a 30' buck and thought he had killed it. while waiting for help looking for it he saw an even bigger buck that he let walk thinking he had already had one down. well after scouring the area for over two hours he came to the conclusion he missed. that evening we went to the other end of the unit to an area that bordered some hay fields and saw 14 different 4 point bucks, but none were big enough to shoot. so for the next 3 days he tried to get back on those two 30' bucks that he saw on sunday, but just missed them by minutes. while my brother put the moves on those bucks I kept scouting the surrounding areas looking for a buck worthy of his tag. on wedsday evening I convinced Jeff to look at some of the bucks that I had found, we arrived around 4p.m and immediately started seeing deer, in the next 2 hours he passed on a 25' 4pt and a solid 27' 4pt. around 6p.m our other brother called on the radio and said that the two 30' bucks were out feeding and if he had time come and put a stalk on them, well after a ride that would make most race car drivers proud he make it in time to get into the herd of deer and passed on a 26' buck but never did see one of the big ones. I had warned Jeff that with his luck a shooter buck would show up after he made his mad dash, well not more than 5 minutes after he left a GOOD buck showed up and stayed out until dark. that night Jeff had to make his choice for the next morning on where he would hunt, after a little debate he decided to sit on the knob where we had spotted the bucks the night before. the next morning we arrived at the spot right at 1st light, parked the bikes. Jeff walked all of maybe 30 yards to look over the edge of the hill and bumped a 25' 4pt that he passed up the nite before. this buck jumped a few steps and went back to feeding. one look and Jeff decided he was a shooter and made the 40 yard shot. after talking to most of the hunters in the area we felt lucky to have seen as many bucks as we did (we talked to more than one hunter that had yet to see a BUCK) let alone take a deer of this quality.
Thanks for the story to go with the great =D> pics.
Congratulations to your brother on an incredible buck. It sounds like you guys had them figured out.
Great story and a great buck thanks for sharing and ::wel