Colorado Success
11/11/12 12:47pm
Been a meat hunter my whole life when it comes to Elk! I have been collecting points while still hunting in my favorite OTC in hopes of one day going on my dream hunt! Well, it happened and I am proud of the Bull I shot and even shed a tear for the majestic animal! Saw 70 bulls and 3 cows on my public land hunt and it is truly a very special place and thank the people involved with the DOW for obtaining this property!!! Took me and a buddy 17 points! We put in as a group even though we knew that it could hurt us with only 3 tags for the general draw and 1 for NR and one for the Hybrid. Thank you Bosque Del Oso! " alt="" />
Here is my buddys " alt="" />

Here is my buddys

Congrats to you and your buddy. It's always fun to hunt with friends or family.
The Bosque unit sound like a much better opportunity with the amount of elk on the SWA. My problem is that I dont know the area/habits/camping areas,etc. of the elk in that unit,that is where I would need info.
As a NR,I might draw 2013 or 2014...maybe.
I will take you up on your insight of that area,if you are willing to share. Just need a place to start. If everything looks good,I will take Mama this summer and check out Trinidad and the surrounding area.
Thanks for the info.