Colorado Success

Been a meat hunter my whole life when it comes to Elk! I have been collecting points while still hunting in my favorite OTC in hopes of one day going on my dream hunt! Well, it happened and I am proud of the Bull I shot and even shed a tear for the majestic animal! Saw 70 bulls and 3 cows on my public land hunt and it is truly a very special place and thank the people involved with the DOW for obtaining this property!!! Took me and a buddy 17 points! We put in as a group even though we knew that it could hurt us with only 3 tags for the general draw and 1 for NR and one for the Hybrid. Thank you Bosque Del Oso!" alt="" />
Here is my buddys" alt="" />
A fine looking pair of bulls. =D>

Congrats to you and your buddy. It's always fun to hunt with friends or family.
Awesome trophies, thanks for sharing them. Looks like yours busted a brown tine huh? That bladed mass is cool too!
Nice bulls Congrats to you and your friend
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Yep, had a broke brow and a broke dropper on the right side at the base! You can kinda see where it broke!!! He is just as heavy on the other side as well, just the angle doesn't show it! He was with a 7 by 7, which I spotted first with the tips of antler sticking up like a bush and then it moved!! Got set up and then this heavy mass bull stepped out or got out of his bed and I didn't think twice of the one I wanted!!!!
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I'm sitting on 19 PP's in 2012. This area is my 2nd choice when I apply.. 61 is my first. Nice bulls youhave there.
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Congratulations nice bulls, always great to share the hunt with friends. A great hunt is more than a trophy on the ground, its the entire journey that stays forever in the memory.
Well worth the wait, sir! Some really good looking Colorado bulls. Congratulations.
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Not to sure I would hunt 61 over this unit, unless you have a better chance of drawing 61!!! My College Buddy lives in Gunny and was in the Outfitting business for 18 years and has had the privilege of hunting the Bosque 3 out of 4 years with his Daughter, then his wife then me !! He is sold as well as me on the elk in the SoCo region! This is not a hard hunt and Anyone with physical problems like bad knees or back or just an old timer would really enjoy this hunt! If anyone draws and would like info, I have maps and insight to share!! I most likely will never draw again!!!
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Same here. I will probably never draw a area like these again. My choice for unit 61 was based on my knowledge of the unit. I have been hunting deer in this unit for close to 40 years. I've seen alot of Bulls while hunting Deer,and a few monsters. I've learned the habits of the deer and observed the elk behavior during these years.

The Bosque unit sound like a much better opportunity with the amount of elk on the SWA. My problem is that I dont know the area/habits/camping areas,etc. of the elk in that unit,that is where I would need info.
As a NR,I might draw 2013 or 2014...maybe.

I will take you up on your insight of that area,if you are willing to share. Just need a place to start. If everything looks good,I will take Mama this summer and check out Trinidad and the surrounding area.
Thanks for the info.
two dandy bulls. Congrats to both of you. Your friend looks like a fellow I use to work with. He was also a strict meat hunter. Does he hunt with a 30-30?
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No, he used a 300 ultra mag. Thanks again for all the comments! Trying to figure out where to go this year!! Most likely back up to the Butte for a deer , elk combo since I will draw for deer there!! Back to meat hunting for a while!!!
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I was lucky enough that I drew an elk tag for the Bosque Del Oso area after a guy in front of me giving his up. I dont get any time really to scout because the season is less than a month away. I just couldnt pass up what I believe is an opportunity of a lifetime. Any information that you are willing to share with me would be greatly appreciated.
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PM Sent!!
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rmillemon, was the tag you picked up a 2nd season bull tag? If so you made some guys sad this morning when it looked like it went into the first come first serve reissue pool and was gone immediately (if it ever went in). I too have a tag on the Bosque and had just made a post about it. If you are in fact in the second season, I look forward to seeing you and I hope we both are successful!