Colorado unit 11 Lope tag

Hey guys I have 10 preference points and was thinking of burning them on a unit 11 hunt this year, what do you guys think of the area it is in mofit county and the top 10 hardest to draw area so I think its a good spot but then again I could keep building points for unit 10 but is it worth it. Are there a fair amount of book bucks taken in 11 :-k
I would also take a serious look into the Walden Basin there are some great goats in that area too. I have hunted unit 3 once and unit 4 twice for buck antelope and traditionally these where the areas to draw a great tag but the quality of the bucks have gone down a bit over the last couple years.
Thanks for the info on 3 I'll check it out, but the problem with that area is it takes 12 points and I only have 10 points, do you think it would be worth the wait :-k
I was NOT recomending 3 been there and was not that impressed for what I saw on public and private and I had plenty of access to private lands as I purchased a land owner voucher and the land owner got me access to a few additional pravte lands.

I was saying take a look into the walden area 6, 16, 161 area my buddy took a B&C goat there 3 years ago.

I use to live near the Pawnee National grasslands in unit 87 and to be honest that would be a no brainer to draw if I had the points we hunted does out there last fall and saw a few good bucks that would approach the 80+ range.

There are several good units in Colorado to hunt antelope but the Eastern plains puts out goats every fall the will rival anything from the top units in the western units.
Thanks for the information, what unit(s) would you say are the best in the state
A year with good moisture can make an average unit a great unit. So I would keep in conatct with the bioligist to get an idea what condition the herds are in, for the unit you are wanting to hunt.

Again I like the walden area 6/16/161 the pawnee grasslands 87,88 and the North West 11,2,3,4,10,21 128 and 135 also some of the 80's units are also producers of good bucks as are the Eastern plains which you will need to secure access to private land.