Colorado unit 30

I drew a 3rd season deer tag for unit 30. Does anybody have any info about this unit? I talked to a couple of hunters who had some success there recently. It seems that the weather plays a big part in this unit. How are the roads if it get nasty? I bought a bull elk tag because both hunters ran into bulls on their hunts. I have no time to scout, I live too far away. I was going to camp at Highline Lake. Anyone know of a better place to stay? Any local meat processors in the area?

Thanks for any info.
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Unit 30 is a rugged piece of property. Lots of vertical land. I'd camp up the Baxter Pass road just above the compressor station. The road is improved gravel to the compressor station so it doesn't get too bad. Take chains for at least two wheels and put them on the front if it rains. The adobe gets real slippery and some of the roads have vertical dropoffs that go a long way down. Best is to wait until the rain stops or the road freezes again at nightfall to drive. South Canyon off the Baxter Pass road usually holds some good deer and elk. Get a good BLM map, there's private land you need to stay off of. Long Canyon is a good place to look. The last couple days of the season the bigger bucks usually start to show up looking over the does. Don't go home early. Good luck.
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Thanks for the info. I just bought some chains today. I've been looking over some maps and I ordered some different ones to boot. I called a couple of local meat processors and Old World Meat Co. was very helpful and professional. Twelve days and counting.