Colorado Unit 30

My first post on the forum. Thanks to all who make it possible.

I'm retired and on a fixed income. After 13 years, I've drawn a 3rd rifle season tag for Colorado Unit 30. (Gave up on Unit 21 - Age and point Creep). I'll be on a DIY [do it yourself] hunt, so I need all the help I can get. I've got BLM Maps as well as the Huntin' Fool overlay map of the migration routs and wintering grounds. Right now it looks like there are three general directions to hunt out of Fruita, which I will staying at. West, up the Colo/Utah border, Central, up SR 139 to Douglas Pass, and East toward the Book Cliffs. I'll have a Jeep Cherokee (chains if it rains/snows), and will have to hike up areas leading off main roads. In other words, I don't have an ATV.

If anyone can offer any advice on locations to hunt, techniques, or anything else that might help, I would be greatful. This will probably be my last Hurrah. I'm looking to go big or go home. I've got enough 165" Mulies already.

OK. Can I help you now. I've hunted Mulies is South Central Idaho, as well as Wyoming and Montana. I'll be glad to share my knowledge with you. I took a 344" Elk in Unit 76 two years ago, and understand that unit pretty well. Oryx hunted in NM last year. Will share that as well.

Thanks !!

Lane Rickman
Congrats on a great tag! :thumb I sent you a PM.