well guys just got done with my 2nd season hunt in 444. had a bit better luck than anyone else but it was a tough hunt ended up with 1 buck and 2 cows...i missed a cow the second day at 70 yards and figured that would be it but me and my buddy ended up with another chance and got 2 in a deep nasty canyon...anyone else have any luck up there i hunted the west side of red table hard as i could and didnt see a single legal bull only 2 spikes ](*,)
congrats on the hunt, do you have any pics. I'm not hunting 444 but I will be on the other side of the mountain in 44 during the 4th season
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ill get pics on soon here did you draw one of the 4th season buck tags for 44 that is a tough tag to draw
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heres the pics hopefully they work last one is the cow my buddy shot she ran about 150 yards after he shot her with his 300 at 40 yards perfect shot with both lungs taken out. she was a really big and old cow i was pretty amazed about the size of her. the second one is of me my cow was with my buddies and was facing me so i took the shot at 40 yards with my 270 and ended up gettin the front shoulder and one lung and out the gut she went about a 100 yards and bedded down givin me another shot in the neck to put her out. the first picture is of my brothers buck shot at about 200 yards up hill he was quarterin away a bit and when my brothers first shot hit it went throught the gut and got the liver and a lung i guess i got to there after they had it gutted and thats just what my dad said. my dad was really happy with my brothers shot and i was to even though it was his second buck it was the first one he got with my dad his first buck he was with me. its a 3X3 they thought is was only a forkie but my dad got to it first and relized it was a 3 point cant tell from my brothers face but he was way excited. the buck was really cool with long tines on the back that were almost spooned out on the sides its really cool hope you guys enjoy :thumb
Good job and congrats to all of you. Looks like you will have a full freezer this year. :thumb
Job well done. :thumb
Thats what I call a great hunting trip, two filled tags and memories for a lifetime. Good job man! :thumb 10sign: