Colorado unit 75 or 751

Hey guys. This is the best site ever. Thanks for helping me with questions on my first post. I looked for information for a long time on the internet and didn't find jack. Thanks! I have another question.

Any of you guys know anything about mule deer in colorado unit 75 or 751? I am looking at going this fall either archery or rifle. I dont know anything about the area but have heard that by the time the 2nd (oct 17-25) or 3rd rifle season (nov 1-6) rolls around the snow has pushed the deer out of the high country public land like the San Juan National Forest onto private ground below. I will only be hunting public land so this could be a major problem. Trying to decide if I should do the archery or try my luck with the gun/snow. If you guys know anything I would aprreciate it.
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from what Ive seen it was a rough winter.....lots of dead bucks that shed and died. Me and SUBOY have found lot of dead animals
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The reports from last year didn't seem to indicate that 75 lost that many deer, even with the bad winter, and looking at this year's snowpack in southwestern Colorado seems to indicate that this year is pretty average, so what do you attribute the dead animals you are seeing to?
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I hate that damn shed room of his!!!!!!!LOL
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